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      September 12, 2017Home That Would Not Let Us StayBola Opaleke

      after Tiana Clark’s “Equilibrium”

      After thirty years
      I finally managed
      to figure out
      what home means
      to a refugee. Plume
      the flickering ash
      around the reality
      of waking up at dawn
      to a new statute
      asking me to name
      every line on
      my thickening palms.
      The landlord is
      the god I see
      at night. I pray
      to him for permission
      to call his house home.
      When he touches
      my daughter where no man
      should touch
      her, I pull the nonplussed girl
      by the ear
      and warn her to use
      the kitchen
      door henceforth. Cutting
      the sight of policemen
      towards my door
      makes the fruit bleed
      my dark blood,
      but they have not come
      to ask why I cut
      myself, they have come
      to ask if I wasn’t
      a terrorist to bomb
      innocent neighbors
      in no distant future.
      I would tend to
      my bloody finger later,
      asking where
      my appetite has gone.
      I know home was
      where death ambushed
      my destiny,
      I know it should be
      where the sun rills in
      with a smile,
      not climbs arrogantly
      upon my vertebrae,
      not make rent the tears
      that must not
      dry up before
      the next election.
      My weakened muscles
      purr at the veins
      delivering gas to
      my heart that
      would not stop
      pounding. Each time
      someone tries to
      extinguish the fire
      of political bigotry,
      the rotten air
      runnels through,
      feeding oil
      to the rampaging
      flame. I look out
      through the
      basement window,
      my eyes traversing oceans
      and mountains calling home, waiting
      for something beautifully naked
      to crawl up ashore and say stay here.


      from Poets Respond

      Bola Opaleke

      “This poem is for ‘Dreamers’ who grow up knowing America as their only home. The POTUS plan to end DACA is one that sends a spear through the heart. It calls for a reflection on how politicians often ignore human frailty and human fragility in their everyday decisions.”