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      May 24, 2012Honk If You Love the LordWilliam Keener

      John 3:16 is gaining on me, book,
      chapter & verse welded to the bumper
      of the Peterbilt burning diesel like
      the devil in my rear-view mirror,
      this son of a trucker come to set
      driver against driver on I-85 near
      Greenville, South Carolina, home
      of Shoeless Joe and Praise Radio
      whose listeners are the lambs of Christ,
      say it ain’t so, in a world so loved
      by God he gave his only begotten
      as I give it more gas because Johnny
      3:16 is barreling down, rolling steel
      and chrome to kingdom come as if
      my car is marked I Brake for Satan,
      both of us overtaken by the white
      Continental, license GOSPEL DJ,
      a speeding preacher singing the news
      whosoever followeth him shall not
      perish, but shall take the off-ramp
      for the Word of God Factory Outlet
      where bibles stack halfway to heaven
      next to Big Zack’s Discount Fireworks
      and the roadside stand that promises
      salvation from the traffic and an end
      to everlasting thirst and hunger, yes
      Hot Boiled Peanuts, Cold Peach Cider!

      from #23 - Summer 2005