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      January 28, 2012HousekeepingRachael Lynn Nevins

      Well, kiddo, we’re the only parents you’ll ever have, I’m sorry
      to say: your father, the artist, and me, the poet
      and oft-enraged student of Zen, sitting up in bed and yelling
      at your father, “Nirvana is not somewhere else!”
      An hour later you were conceived. And now, just look
      at the mess we’ve gotten you into!
      Clumps of cat fur drift along the edges
      of the hallway, and drippings from last month’s tomato sauce
      turn black on top of the stove. Again, your father
      has left the dish towel on the kitchen counter, and again
      I am picking it up, throwing it at him, and wondering,
      Who am I? What do I think I am doing?
      Mice scurry in the walls, and last week
      a chunk of the living room ceiling fell
      onto the living room floor. I tell you,
      things fall apart, and then they fall apart
      some more, and there are days
      when the very thought of the boxes still unpacked
      a year and a half after our move is enough
      to get my tears going. But I’m not talking only about our apartment,
      your father’s bad back and bum knee, how all my new hair
      is growing in gray, the boarded-up shops around the corner,
      or the plastic bags blowing down Ocean Avenue and out
      to the Texas-sized pile of junk
      collecting in the middle of the sea. We are all
      heading toward a future of white dwarves and black holes,
      and goodness knows even your cells
      have plans of their own. I’m sorry, kiddo,
      we’ve got nothing else to give you.
      Just this cold and falling apart universe, this cat
      sleeping with his face tucked in my sneaker, and your disheveled
      father and me, sitting on the bedroom floor and trying to sort
      the laundry in heaps all around us, while merrily
      you pick up your socks and toss them
      onto the wrong pile.

      from #35 - Summer 2011

      Rachael Lynn Nevins

      “The Fool, Key 0 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, has long been a talisman for me. He stands at the edge of a precipice, perhaps about to fall off. Though inexperienced, the Fool is open to experience. And so I write, because I do not know. My musings on the ups, downs, how-tos, and wherefores of life as a work-at-home mom can be found on my website.”