October 11, 2022How Can You Lose A Granddaughter?
sitting in a virtually empty movie theatre,
my daughter’s being called out to the parking lot
to talk to the police.
How can you lose a granddaughter?
found dead in the morning,
lying in the middle of the street,
apparently of an overdose—fentanyl.
How can you lose a granddaughter?
lost wandering in a land of wonder,
an eleven- and a twelve-year-old
following her around helplessly.
How can you lose a granddaughter.
and she isn’t just a kid, but thirty,
going on a strange journey into outer space,
all alone. When will I see her?
How can you lose a granddaughter?
more lost than I am now as I write
this memorial to how much I’ll miss her.
How can you lose a granddaughter?
from Poets Respond