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      July 6, 2021How Many?Rita Mae Reese

      [A] biography is considered complete if it merely accounts for six or seven selves, whereas a person may have as many thousand … one on top of the other, as plates are piled on a waiter’s hand …
      —Virginia Woolf

      The women with me might as well be ghosts
      and maybe me too
      though we can order food in the diner
      next to the table of 20-somethings
      and their cacophonous lives
      so loud we have to nearly shout
      for each other and the waitress
      —another sort of ghost, I suppose—
      to hear. At our table, we are trying
      to talk about the collapse of a condo
      a thousand miles away and how the news
      at first reported only one death
      as if the building had been largely uninhabited
      or as if its inhabitants could walk through walls,
      let ceilings and the entire lives of neighbors
      plummet straight through them.
      The building that collapsed maybe (probably)
      from neglect held over 150—the exact number
      changes with each report.
      The news travels at a speed
      far more terrible than mercy;
      every day, we fall further and further behind.
      It is almost time to go,
      and we may not talk about this again.
      How many selves are we here at this table?
      And who would like the check?
      Tonight on Rattlecast #100: Alison Luterman! We’ll start off with Poets Respond Live—join us live at 8pm EDT …

      from Poets Respond

      Rita Mae Reese

      “This poem is in response to the collapse of the condo in Florida, a sudden disaster that keeps unfolding slowly in front of us.”