June 12, 2016I Am Over Here Sobbing
Under an infinite dome of expanding
night, the crickets recording
a high of one hundred, Hillary Clinton
is winning California and standing
with her daughter and wearing,
near as I can tell, a flak jacket
under that awkward coat and I’m
thinking, Bill with his hand in hers,
we don’t even know what
to call him, a president’s husband,
we don’t have the language
for it yet, and already I’m thinking
of who would troll me on Facebook
if I said that, of who would fire off
a foot-long rant—Monsanto
and shrill and bought and hawk—
and who would make a blowjob joke
out of that term we have yet to invent—
first husband? first man?—all clichés
taken already—and the all-caps
of the world are shouting
again in my head, even
my mother who said if you want
horses, marry a man with horses,
and I am over here sobbing
at the history writing itself
and for once I am singing
the national anthem, that part
at the baseball game where I normally
lower my eyes in silence, my hand
nowhere near my heart, as I try
not to think of bursting or rockets
or bombs but instead rest my eyes
on the grass with its millions
of green blades patiently growing.
from Poets Respond