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      October 21, 2022I Cane.c. crossman

      I can write about the light as it reflects my shadow’s past
      I can write about the future as a ship with a broken mast
      I’ll write to seek an answer to the question of my life
      I’ll carve up my inner mind using words just like a knife.
      I can write about the tree with its leaves blowing in the breeze
      I can write of every reason that I’ve been brought down to my knees
      I’ll write about a theory and let it float away
      I’ll turn up life’s volume with all I fail to say.
      I can write about the world I see before my eyes
      I can write about the senseless materialistic lies
      I’ll write about the inches between both of my ears
      I’ll shine a focused spotlight into my house of fears.
      I can write about each stone while stepping higher still
      I can write about the balance at the apex of the hill
      I’ll write the prose I see written on the wall
      I’ll answer life’s despair by rising to the call.
      Some fish swim against the stream
      Some swim with it
      Some fly.

      from #77 - Fall 2022

      e.c. crossman

      “I live in this world. I experience it. Then I try to make sense of it. Finally, I give it my best to communicate what I’ve found to another. Poetry is the struggle to fully connect with someone else; for me that’s mostly been with myself, as I discover the breadth and depth of a life with PTSD.”