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      October 17, 2022e.c. crossmanI Can’t

      I can’t write about the darkness that my light cannot see
      I can’t write all of the possibilities that don’t exist for me
      I’ll write what little truth I’ve gathered on this walk
      but I can’t write about the key as I stare into the lock.
      I can’t write about the shadows that dance just out of reach
      I can’t write of all the mysteries that others stand and preach
      I’ll write about a fact if I can just nail it down
      but I can’t write about a smile as I sit here with a frown.
      I can’t write about the sea as I stand on firm dry ground
      I can’t write of all the colors while listening for sound
      I’ll write about a moment once my measurement is done
      but I can’t write about the moon while I’m blinded by the sun.
      I can’t write about the end while I get lost along the way
      I can’t write of all the work when I’m engaged in play
      I’ll write the words I’m given if my hand will just behave
      but I can’t write about my freedom while I’m stuck here as a slave.

      from #77 - Fall 2022

      e.c. crossman

      “I live in this world. I experience it. Then I try to make sense of it. Finally, I give it my best to communicate what I’ve found to another. Poetry is the struggle to fully connect with someone else; for me that’s mostly been with myself, as I discover the breadth and depth of a life with PTSD.”