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      January 28, 2015I Find It Difficult to Talk to My Bible FriendDavid James

      I have a friend, actually, a husband of my wife’s friend
      who uses Bible verses to respond
      to any issue.
      If homosexuality comes up in the conversation,
      he quotes a line
      of scripture, word-for-word, his tongue like a wand
      ending the discussion. Then he stands there,
      happy in his certainty.
      If we talk about what’s beyond
      the grave, beyond the slow climb
      into the earth, he recites, with a flare,
      chapter and verse to claim his kingdom.
      I admire his ignorance. For everything, there is an answer.
      He never doubts or wonders. His prayers,
      he knows, enter into the open ears of the divine.

      from #45 - Fall 2014

      David James

      “I am a tried and true Episcopalian. Writing poems, and maybe all writing, is a spiritual activity. The artist’s job is to wallow around in the unknown and believe he’ll find something worthy—which is the definition of hope, really. I think that’s why I write: to express my hope.”