May 2, 2017I Speed Toward the Moon
On a deserted Oakland freeway
after a leisurely June evening
of free writes and rough drafts
I speed toward the moon.
Kmart’s red neon flashes off Fruitvale,
an exit I avoid like a freshly tarred road
blistering in the grasp of noonlight.
I watch the moon slide smoothly into
a pearl pocket of clouds as if a love letter
slipping into a fine linen envelope.
KFOG calls me back, as does a jet
black Harley darting from center to left,
its single lamp now a piercing spotlight.
Too close, I gasp, too close.
We part as the freeway splits, where
three white crosses tower over curving
concrete and rise to the brilliant round
burst of the moon.
from #19 - Summer 2003