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      May 18, 2016In Bed with Another Man’s IdeaAllen C. Fischer

      Tall camels of the spirit
      steer for their deserts …
      —Richard Wilbur

      I steer for my bed
      wherein, odd as camels,
      dream after dream cruises by,
      the ungainly whores of sleep
      crossing my mind as though
      emptiness were a promised land.
      And there in the night’s desert
      of duned blankets, sheets and
      pillow, where all begins blank,
      I am prone, subject to the intangible
      seduction of another man’s idea:
      that naked, the truth cuts loose
      from the weight and smell of flesh
      and claptrap of every day tenderloin.
      That to come truly, the spirit slips
      from its formal verse and negligee to reveal
      a light-fantastic, skin so luminous,
      a body so pure that when I wake,
      mouth dry, bound in covers, breathing heavily,
      there is no one, nothing, not even
      a faint curve of rump or small camel
      disappearing into my dresser.

      from #17 - Summer 2002