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      February 24, 2019Alison LutermanIn Defense of Those Who Harbor Terrible Ideas at Tax Time

      It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.
      Like so many others. Sleeping with that guy.
      Not checking the address. Letting him put it in
      without a condom just the once. Who hasn’t done
      all that and worse, is what I was thinking,
      driving to H&R Block to get my taxes done
      and listening to the radio where everyone keeps talking about
      the young black gay actor who orchestrated
      a fake hate crime against himself.
      It must have seemed like such a good idea to him
      at the time, I think, clutching to my chest
      the scattered bits of our financial life—
      receipts and pay stubs, the record of all I’ve spent
      on poetry contests and that workshop
      on musical theater—enough
      to buy a hot tub, a cheap used one, anyway,
      on Craigslist—and that might
      or might not be a disaster, too, you never know.
      I’ve booked an appointment
      with the nicest CPA in the world—Dennis—
      who says to me, “You’re not a cookie-cutter person.
      Don’t be ashamed of your life.” Really, he should be a therapist
      instead of an accountant, but I hope he stays at this job forever,
      smoothing out my crumpled 1099s, recording
      the five hundred dollars I made coaching
      for Poetry Out Loud, the thousand
      from that one contest I did win, and then all the bills
      when our old home’s ancient plumbing gave up the ghost.
      It’s more than I can face head-on, this evidence
      of how we live and earn and spend and waste
      our lives, and I heard that the young man, an actor, staged the crime
      against himself because he felt he wasn’t being paid enough—
      though I bet he was paid more than a poet—
      well, who isn’t? And who, in the end, doesn’t feel
      attention must be paid? Although few would go
      to such lengths to get it. I’ve had my share
      of Bad Ideas, God knows, and all of them seemed Good to me
      at the time, and so have you, I bet, and so has everyone.
      It’s the human condition, after all, to be assailed by a million thoughts
      a day, most of them insane—I remember I once thought
      of becoming a dominatrix, for example—that didn’t last long,
      then I thought maybe I’d write a play
      about a woman who becomes a dominatrix
      in late middle age, to pay the bills—and well,
      you see where all this is heading.
      I have to forgive this young man his terrible
      idea, I have to because, in my own way, I’ve been him.
      And while we’re at it all those others
      whose freakazoid fancies must have seemed brilliant
      to them for a minute, the way all our eurekas do at three a.m.—
      gleaming like fool’s gold … haven’t we all
      chased them like magical butterflies
      through the meadowlands of imagination,
      only to end up empty-handed and chagrined,
      and far from home?

      from Poets Respond

      Alison Luterman

      “Like everyone I’ve been hearing a lot about Jussie Smollett, the actor on Empire, who appears to have (badly) stage-managed a fake hate crime against himself in a misguided bid to get a higher salary. I’ve heard him mocked and condemned for this, and he’s facing criminal charges, but as a creative person myself I thought of all the misguided just plain bad ideas I’ve had over the years, and how grateful I am that no one can see inside my head which continues to hatch hare-brained schemes which will hopefully remain confined to the page.”