September 2, 2015In Diminuendo
My brother’s last word
was a cough, a type of struggle
to tell his wife one lasting,
proper thing that she might hold.
Maybe he wanted to say how
he loved the way she laughed,
or perhaps he desired to confess
that one night, after they wed,
he’d slid into their bedroom
to listen to her sleep, how strong
it made him feel to draw
inside him all of her sounds,
so clean, that sort of sleep
that dissolves only to songbirds,
early mornings when the sun
casts but a hint across the sky.
My brother’s last word
was a cough, and that is all.
Yet within it was the gift
of his giving, which I choose:
how September relinquishes
to fall and berries, how summer
glides down, in diminuendo,
into the lower moans of winter.
from #48 - Summer 2015