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      November 22, 2010In PassingSybil Pittman Estess

      How many before you have decorated
      your house, or died here before you?



      How many have loved this past or have
      loathed their histories here? Who has



      rested her body from a day’s tedium?
      Who has cooked here for cousins? For



      farmers, perhaps, or MD’s? Who made
      her own bedspread here, taking five



      years? Who quilted, neighbors always
      helping her, in her front room? Who



      took a photograph of whom? Assume
      the house has outlasted weather, tornado,



      wind and fire. The persons who harbored
      here passed first. But what will our kids



      do with these buildings? Inherit? Inhabit?
      Sell? Well, they could live on or re-invest



      house-cash. They could lose it. Use it
      or trash. This home you love, the place



      you reared them, will pass on. The deed.
      So all of your doings. (Including your books.)



      They may all pass to strangers. Even
      your enemy could end up owning your



      locks. Strange knobs and walls. Stranger
      keys. Look at our snap-your-finger days



      here. Think of them as your ways. Think
      these thoughts often, of houses, in passing.

      from #23 - Summer 2005

      Sybil Pittman Estess

      “I love deserts, New Mexico, Southern California, my family, my friends, good poetry, literature and art—and also psychology. I live in a sixty-plus-year-old house in Texas, was reared in Mississippi, educated in Texas, Kentucky, and New York. My husband and I have just built a new log house in Colorado. Life is often paradoxical and complex. It is always moving.”