November 21, 2024In the Clearing
Image: “Zaubererturm” by Jennifer S. Lange. “In the Clearing” was written by Devon Balwit for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, October 2024, and selected as the Artist’s Choice.
No longer youthful, my skin crepes
walls, windows, and doors. Cracked,
I go mossy. The weather enters. Memories
wheel and alight in flocks. Passersby assume
I am lonely. I am anything
but. In the gnarled shadows, hosts
clamor: youngest sons prepare
for battle; widows sniff for mushrooms.
What some call grey, I call mother
of pearl—the full moon polishing the sky.
That screech is an owl or a board pried
from a window. Already, the kindling
catches as the curious lean in.
I make a space for story.
from Ekphrastic Challenge