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      May 27, 2009In the Gynecologist’s Waiting RoomJoy Maulitz

      Good Housekeeping? No.

      Parenting? Not me.
      Women’s Sexual Health?
                                                      Now we’re talking.

      Flipping through,
      arrested by a close-up of an old woman,
      way up close and personal,
      right between her legs.
      Two fingers pulled the lips back a bit:
      hello and how do you do.
      In another magazine it might’ve been
      for the avid porno wanker
      but here it was for science,
      and hallelujah, I was edified.
      Because aside from OB-GYNs
      and the lucky old geezer or Sappho,
      who among us has had the chance
      to study a senior vagina?
      I glanced around me, grabbed hold
      with both hands, and stared.
      I am here to report that it looked ship-shape:
      pink and moist as a baby’s gums,
      cunning, nifty, trim and tidy,
      like the rig of a young file clerk downtown.
      No off-color, no dewlaps flapping,
      this was nine square inches that could rule the world.
      I wanted to high-five this vagina’s woman,
      say right on, mama, you’re lookin’ fine,
      but the nurse was calling my name.
      I pressed the shiny folds together,
      slid the magazine back into its slot,
      and stepped into my rosy future.

      from #27 - Summer 2007