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      June 30, 2021Is There Anything I Can DoJeff Tigchelaar

      Today again I found myself unable
      to answer a simple question from my daughter
      (((((What makes the wind)))))
      also I improperly wiped my son’s nose
      I’m told
      dragged snot
      all across
      his face
      I’m told I need to learn how to           pinch
      well speaking of which
      yesterday I zipped
      his neck into his coat poor kid I didn’t know
      till he gathered                his breath
      started shrieking kept clutching
      his throat yes I tried unzipping it wouldn’t come he just
      screamed louder cried harder people gathered
      to check out the racket           Libby
      from the duplex stood staring
      both hands covering her mouth          Is there anything
      I can do       she eventually hollered           ever
      the helpful neighbor
      Libby could you tell me
      what makes the wind
             Libby I don’t know
      how to pinch
      but then
      I knew
      I would have to hurt my son again
      to help him
      I braced his body pinned his arms
      pulled down
      hard on the zipper
      and then to his pain and his rage
      was added incomprehension
      it shot across his face as he looked at me helpless
      as he looked with a fierce and a
      temporary hate
      because this time the zipper came down
      came undone from his skin praise
      God Hey Libby
      I think we got it I said
      I zipped up his neck        I added
      in case she hadn’t gathered

      from #71 - Spring 2021

      Jeff Tigchelaar

      “I hope the pleasure my kids and I experienced when this poem got accepted outweighs or at least somehow balances out the pain I caused my son (and others) in the scene depicted.”