“It’s Just So Hard” by Ahunna Ike-Njoku

Ahunna Ike-Njoku (age 11)


It’s just so hard
to think straight
when someone keeps banging
on the gate

It’s just so hard to keep smiling
when your loved one is dying
It’s just so hard to live your life
when you know someone is there to spy

It’s just so hard to stop being curious
when you don’t know what makes your baby sister furious

It’s just so hard to be happy
when your parents are being bossy

It’s just so hard to say “hi”
to someone who is not nice

It’s just so hard to fight
for what you believe is right

It’s just so hard to say bye to someone
you will not see in a long time

But do you ever try?

from 2017 Rattle Young Poets Anthology

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