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      November 2, 2021Jeff Bezos Goes to Space and Becomes a Bhakti PoetTishani Doshi

      “I! I! A terrible thing.
      Run from it if you can.”

      We must believe Jeff bows down
      in all that darkness. That his transformation
      occurs the way a new star burns out
      of the cloudy egg that has sheltered it.
      For so long, they have been trying to tell
      him, Journey within, in order to slay
      your inner deer. The city of your body
      is your own green garden. Like all men
      who believe they have the right to go on
      forever, Jeff thought the word emperor
      came from empyrean. He wanted
      to get there first. He had never experienced
      the discomfort of being a guest too long
      in someone’s home. What Jeff saw,
      he beheld and owned. From above
      he sees there will never be enough time.
      We can only survive by closing the gaps—
      these globs of dust around us, the whole
      cosmic past—an inferno, still simmering
      out there on the horizon. Waves rise
      through his body, and he gets it now,
      he really gets it. The body is as boundless
      as the universe. Every window inside him
      opens. Look how our planet gleams
      like the bud of a rare blue lotus—oh!
      It’s why bliss is always described
      as a kind of burning. We begin and end
      with fire. Jeff, listen, if you can.
      It’s not too late. We are aglow,
      and the future is coming for us.

      from Poets Respond

      Tishani Doshi

      “Jeff Bezos announced this week that his commercial space station venture ‘Orbital Reef’ will offer among other things an ‘optimal location for film-making in microgravity’ as well as a space hotel. According to this article, ‘The station will have large Earth-facing windows so that space tourists can take in the beauty of our planet and experience the thrill of weightlessness in complete comfort …’ The Bhakti poets knew a thing or two about connecting with the cosmos without actually relocating there, so I suppose this poem is wishful thinking.”