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      August 24, 2020LaudamusGregory Loselle

      So let us praise the incomplete,
      the half-made-up, the left undone,
      what’s underbaked, what’s scarce begun,
      the set-aside, not-yet-concrete.
      Let’s laud what’s left unsaid or dropped,
      the barely finished, still to come,
      to be announced, to be revealed,
      still-in-production, uncongealed—
      and praise, for all that, what’s to do
      and what’s ahead: the yet-unplanned,
      the things we’ve always said we’d do
      and what we never thought we would,
      and what we never thought we could—
      ignoring what we knew we should
      and didn’t, never found the time
      and left aside, what we omitted.
      Here’s to the things that didn’t fit,
      that made no sense, that didn’t rhyme
      or quite serve the meter, what
      we cast away, failed to commit.
      So praise the ones who let things lie,
      not bringing to completion all
      that seemed so necessary once,
      and proved irrelevant in time.

      from #68 - Summer 2020

      Gregory Loselle

      “I’ve recently published my first book, and teach in southeastern Michigan.”