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      May 23, 2015Let Me Write a PoemHazel W. Frew

      Let me write a poem.
      The kind that you chew on
      long after it loses its taste.
      Let me write a poem,
      that gives flesh to the skeletons in my closet.
      So they can shake my hand as they get up to leave.
      Let me write a poem,
      that makes people rise.
      Their limbs shuddering like old engines,
      minds whirring with hope.
      Let me write a poem,
      because poetry persuades your eyes
      to peek and peer like paper does.
      Finding genius in worn out thoughts;
      a moral in yesterday’s news.
      Let me write a poem,
      that works my lips like a puppet master.
      Singing, screaming, shouting,
      saying what I don’t want heard,
      because everyone knows
      the worst of nightmares should be sung from the rooftops.
      Let me write a poem,
      for the times when pain won out.
      Especially for times when life is
      as easy as honey dripping from your spoon.
      Let me write a poem.
      One that takes a trip through my mind.
      Bending through caverns
      and shedding light on dead ends.
      Let me write a poem
      that really talks,
      that says things that people “don’t want to talk about right now”
      because it makes their skin crawl,
      because it makes you look inward,
      because it pries open eyes
      that aren’t really blind.
      let me write a poem.
      A good one,
      Maybe even one that gives reality that delicious one-two punch
      it deserves.
      Maybe even one that leaves whimsy winding through windpipes.
      Maybe even one that opens doors rusted over.
      Maybe even one that faces fears that can’t really be insurmountable.
      Let me write a poem,
      because the truth is
      I’m scared to.
      And everyone should know by now,
      the worst of fears have to be sung from the rooftops.

      from 2015 RYPA

      Hazel W. Frew (age 14)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “I write poetry because it’s the easiest way to communicate how I feel. With poetry you don’t have to edit your opinion down to the basics or stretch it to fit a five paragraph format, you can convey your message in your own way.”