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      August 18, 2019Like AmericaLynn Marie Houston

      August is almost too cruel, like
      America, to be beautiful. I wish
      the last days of summer break
      could swaddle children bulletproof.
      Here at the Simmering Springs Campground,
      the last RV has backed into its gravel lot,
      blocking the sun. Dogs yip around the playground,
      babies wail, and the whine of air compressors
      drifts all the way into the valley.
      This view from the edge, though.
      Like America, it’s easy to be sentimental
      about what could kill you. A rope,
      a tumble, the orders of a powerful man.
      Or, as a teacher wrote
      in my yearbook after “come over
      and see me some time,” not
      necessarily in that order.
      A teenage girl smokes a cigarette under cover
      of trees, while her parents jockey
      for space in the camper’s small kitchen, oblivious.
      A middle-age man exits a large black truck.
      Maybe he is not headed to the tree line.
      Maybe it means nothing
      that I see him lick his lips. Like America,
      I shrug and turn away.

      from Poets Respond

      Lynn Marie Houston

      “To conclude simply that ‘Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy confirms suicide by hanging’ is to ignore much that is dis-eased about American culture.”