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      October 7, 2022Like ThatBruce Bennett

      British scientist visiting Atlanta suburb killed
      by stray bullet while lying in bed
      —The Washington Post, January 22, 2022

      Like that. You’re breathing. Then you’re dead.
      No warning. No time to prepare.
      A bullet lodges in your head.
      You might be lying in your bed.
      You might be walking anywhere.
      Like that. You’re breathing. Then you’re dead.
      Not me, you think. Not me. Instead
      you’ll take precautions. Then it’s there.
      A bullet lodges in your head.
      You did not see that car that sped.
      You did not catch that madman’s stare.
      Like that. You’re breathing. Then you’re dead.
      What’s that that fortune teller said
      that time you laughed and did not care?
      A bullet lodges in your head,
      Or doesn’t. There’s no time for dread.
      You could be sitting in your chair
      like now. You’re breathing. Then, you’re dead.
      A bullet lodges in your head.

      from #77 - Fall 2022

      Bruce Bennett

      “I was shocked, as every reader would be, by this senseless and random act. But perhaps even more shocking is the realization that such a thing could happen to any of us, at any time. And there is no way really to guard against it. The merciless economy and intensity of the villanelle form helps to drive that fact home.”