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      September 12, 2014Lost ThingsLina Patel

      We lose things all the time
      socks in the laundry
      library books
      the grocery list
      a stuffed animal
      or even we lose
      our senses
      our temper
      our minds
      our heads
      our hearts
      our faith
      But my question is
      Where do those lost things go?
      Does some magical force whisk them away
      into a land of cake and candy?
      Do future life forms transport them to another planet
      with all the technology we haven’t begun to discover?
      Do they float into the clouds
      visiting raindrops, twirling with snow?
      Does a dragon with leathery wings and breath of fire
      flap down to snatch them up with wide red jaws?
      Do they just disappear?
      Do we allow them to leave
      through some subconscious decision?
      Do they creep away themselves
      stalking silently away from their owner?
      Who, in the meantime
      has looked everywhere
      has just about had it
      has to think of a better way
      to find it
      We sometimes get lost
      misread the map
      forget the directions
      make a wrong turn
      When that happens,
      who has misplaced us?
      who is our owner?
      when will we be returned?
      What happens
      when lost things get forgotten?
      left behind?
      Are they
      still lost?
      What happens
      when you don’t know something is lost?
      and you’re not worried?
      not searching?
      Is it
      still lost?
      if the lost thing is a part of you
      you may never really get it back
      My favorite part of losing things
      is finding them again
      after the long, deliberate hunt
      and the search seems worthwhile
      We finally discover their hidden location
      like buried treasure
      Sometimes the hidden home of what’s missing
      is hardly hidden after all
      is really right in front of you
      is somewhere that makes you say
      Of course.
      Why didn’t I think of that before?”
      Sometimes it takes only a little while to find lost things
      sometimes it takes weeks
      And you remember, after all the time
      you remember losing it
      you remember what it meant
      you remember how you felt
      like a dream
      And you grasp it in your hand
      and press it to your heart
      and put it back where it belongs

      from 2014 RYPA

      Lina Patel (age 12)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “When I write poetry, I always think of what E.B. White said in the beginning of Stuart Little, ‘I wrote this story for the children and to please myself.’ And that’s how it feels to write poetry for me, too.”