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      July 15, 2020Rodrigo Dela Peña Jr.Love Poem for a Dictator

      color me scarlet             spilled on the pavement
      tell me what to do
      what not to do             under pain or duress
      make me a part of
      your fentanyl dreams             your spittled curses
      peppering your speech
      color me bruise             the size of your hand
      put the crook
      of your finger             on a gun
      on my pulse
      make my mouth mute             under your command
      teach me a way
      to seize             to salvage
      what goes against your way
      turn me into a wound             one among the many
      slashed against the ground
      dear dictator             let me count the ways
      how i can splinter
      when you break me             into a million
      little lines like these

      from Poets Respond

      Rodrigo Dela Peña, Jr.

      “Dissent is not terrorism. With the anti-terror bill signed into law by President Rodrigo Duterte, the government now has a way to silence critics and activists in the Philippines by calling them ‘terrorists.‘”