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      March 26, 2018Barbara Lydecker CraneLove Refrains

      a ghazal

      Mom banged her hairbrush down in a reprimand of love.
      “What an awful question! You don’t understand love.
      “Of course Dad loves you. How can you question that?
      He doesn’t have to blare it out, like a brass band of love.
      “You aren’t a princess to be coddled on a lap or praised
      without good reason. That’s a never-never land of love.
      “Your father works hard, with a great deal on his mind.
      Now don’t go causing trouble, making a demand of love.
      “Yes, I know he yells and sends you to your room a lot.
      But be glad he never hits you with the backhand of love.
      “Once, banished to your room, you drew a picture poem
      for him. I watched him beam at you with unplanned love.
      “He said he’s proud of you. I’ve heard him tell you twice.”
      She brushed my hair, hard. “Barb, that’s a brand of love.”

      from #58 - Winter 2017

      Barbara Lydecker Crane

      “When I first took a poetry class in 2005 (by chance), and the teacher was focusing on formalist poems that semester (by chance), I felt as if a fuse in me had been lit, and I’ve been writing both light and serious poems ever since, always in meter and almost always in rhyme.”