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      March 17, 2022Emily SernakerLucky Enough

      “If you’re lucky enough to be Irish,
      you’re lucky enough.”
      —Irish proverb

      Isn’t it grand to know the Irish
      are out there saluting magpies,
      braiding St. Brigid crosses,
      calling their meat “fuckin gorgeous,”
      calling idiots “fuckin eejits!”
      driving on the left side of the road
      over a bridge shaped like a harp
      in a city dotted with statues
      of literary heroes where even taxi drivers
      sound like historians spouting lessons
      about Kilmainham Jail, Michael
      Collins, the whole place understanding
      how they got there, the whole
      day open like a guitar case
      loaded with tips from busking,
      an afternoon tilt like a perfect pint,
      in a land with good chocolate
      and no snakes, where airport
      security stamps your passport
      with green ink after the pilot
      says: A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!
      over the intercom, where strangers
      ensure your success in finding
      the Armagh church your great great
      grandparents were married in,
      old stones and stuffed rain
      clouds, violins and rhubarb,
      Claddagh rings turned taken
      or free, yellow flowers sprawling
      hills of Howth, Wicklow
      waterfalls, walks you’ll revisit
      in dreams, like that massive
      lake spanning across St. Stephens
      where swans actually glide
      toward one another, bumping
      heads, making a heart
      with their necks?

      from #67 - Spring 2020

      Emily Sernaker

      “I’m grateful for the Irish—their stories, songs, humor, and heart—and think fondly of them, especially around St. Patrick’s Day.”