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      April 5, 2018MEARCSTAPAGardner Dorton

      for the fall of Tiangong-1

      I am coming home, The Line-Walker,
      who walks between up and down, heaven
      and ground. Because, here “ethereal”
      means lonely and “star-lit” means
      dark. I am no closer to God the way
      a bridge is no closer to either side.
      I am falling unburdened, Babel returning
      to origin and singularity- at peace
      to be back in place. I will find
      a resting spot, one plop into the ocean
      when my wings have burned off.

      from Poets Respond

      Gardner Dorton

      “On Monday, the Tiangong-1 space station fell into the southern Pacific Ocean. Tiangong is literally translated as ‘heavenly palace,’ and MEARCSTAPA is an acronym for ‘Monsters: The Experimental Association for the Research of Cryptozoology Through Scholarly Theory and Practical Application.’”
