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      May 29, 2024Midwest HousesMather Schneider

      Full of a million things
      that cost a dollar apiece
      Nothing is truly old or truly modern
      everything could be anyone’s
      even the family pictures on the walls
      Giant Sears and Roebuck dollhouses
      do people live here
      or stuffed animals?
      Spice racks of hollow glass idols
      that are never touched
      salt is the one true god
      Shoot or poison animals
      to keep them off the lawn
      replace with plastic deer and flamingoes
      No stone lions
      at the entryways
      only ceramic frogs
      Humid hairy armpit summer afternoons
      the grass they mow
      and mow and mow and mow
      The thunder
      of a drunk father
      home from bowling night
      A man sets his alarm clock
      clicking in the dark
      like an S.O.S
      At Grandpa’s
      small circle of family
      medicine ball conversation
      At the end of the summer
      our last kiss
      tastes like bug-spray

      from #83 – Collaboration

      Mather Schneider

      “I don’t like trying to come up with something clever for these things. I write poetry and prose when there is something I want to put down. I don’t like writing for the hell of it.”