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      October 4, 2023John BrehmMorning in East Wallingford

      Morning in East Wallingford,
      not to be confused with
      Wallingford proper,
      down the road
      a few miles
      here in Vermont:
      a bifurcated village.
      Nothing much is
      We had a thunderstorm
      last night and now
      bullfrogs are squawking
      from the pond as if
      the storm had lodged
      fragments of thunder
      in their throats,
      a wet and rubbery sound,
      mildly insistent,
      counterpointed by
      faint birdsong
      against a backdrop
      of highway traffic,
      cars and trucks,
      the human contribution
      to the soundscape.
      The Luna moth
      we found last night
      affixed to the porch railing
      is gone, swept away by
      the wind probably.
      A fabulous creature,
      green and leaflike,
      with delicate orange ferns
      for antenna and a curlicue
      on each wing, added
      for what purpose?
      A mystery.
      My wife is asleep upstairs,
      her mother and father
      a little further down the road.
      I sit here feeling content,
      even as I know the world
      as we know it is ending,
      happiness resting
      in the pit of my stomach,
      a calm excitement,
      my mind free of anger,
      resentment, ambition, regret.
      Twelve raindrops hang
      from the window sash,
      gathering weight.
      One or two look ready
      to fall, but who
      knows when
      that will happen.
      Pearled, light-filled,
      each one a condensation
      of cloud called downward
      by invisible forces,
      just as we are,
      falling but not yet fallen,
      held between earth
      and sky, then and now,
      and now the rain begins again.

      from #81 - Prompt Poems

      John Brehm

      “I write poetry for many reasons: to get beyond what I think I know, to pay attention, to experience flow states of consciousness, to delight in the music and texture of language, to connect with something larger and more mysterious than myself, to remember my true nature. But mostly I do it for the money.”