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      May 12, 2024Mother’s Day UnsonnetDante Di Stefano

      To think that I was once a germ of light
      in the belly of another being,
      and that this fact is unremarkable
      in the vast plod of human existence,
      renders me heavy with the headiness
      of so much unsaying, and to reflect
      on the fact that it’s difficult to praise,
      in a single sentence sonnet, the guise
      of that first miraculous animal
      the new animal of my own body
      was once tethered to by a cord of
      meat and need, and how by snipping this tie
      a deeper chord sounded from the organ
      of my own mouth, my first sacred wailing,
      and how the world splits open every time
      a son tries to tell his mother simply:
      thank you for this one strange and shining life.

      from Poets Respond

      Dante Di Stefano

      “My mother is an exceptional woman, who has done more for me than anyone. And yet, for some reason, I find it difficult to write poems for her. This poem started as an attempt to write a single sentence sonnet like Frost’s ‘The Silken Tent,’ only for my mom. Hopefully, it gets at some of the unbounded gratitude I feel for her and have a hard time articulating on the page and in every day life. Also, I hope it expresses my profound reverence for all mothers, and my gratitude to my wife for being such a great mother to our two children.”