March 21, 2021My Name [Inaudible]
I go by my middle name, Aaron
I played drums [Whispering.]
When I was at Sequoyah High: 1916 Piedmont Road.
It’s definitely an outlet Yeah,
If I’m angry or something Gold Spa.
I go down to my drum set [Inaudible.]
And start hitting stuff Right now.
It just helps So, can help me, come.
My friends say 1916 Piedmont Road.
I am super nice, super Christian Huh?
A deeply religious person I don’t know.
And very quiet [Inaudible.]
I would walk around school That guy,
With a Bible: that’s why. Need police.
Pizza, guns, drums, music, Yeah
family, and God [Whispering.]
This pretty much sums up my life Gold Spa.
It’s a pretty good life Gold Spa.
I was saved at Crabapple First Baptist Church [Inaudible.]
They are all praying for me now Sorry.
Just before it happened Thank you.
My parents kicked me out Hiding right now,
And so I was emotional that’s why.
You can believe me when I say They have a gun.
It was not about race [Inaudible.] That’s why.
I just wanted to eliminate Yeah. [Inaudible.] That’s why.
Temptation Um, this is Gold Spa.
And I was pretty much fed up [Whispering.]
And had been kind of I don’t know,
At the end of my rope I’m hiding right now.
And yesterday was just Oh, yeah.
A really bad day [Inaudible.]
For me I don’t know.
And this is just Please come,
What I did. OK?
My name [Inaudible.]
[Whispering.] Thank you.
from Poets Respond