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      March 8, 2021Sarah P. StrongMy Tie

      I smooth it down my shirtfront
      between my breasts. That little hiss
      a catcall almost, but one
      I make for myself, the drag
      and give of silk, the thrill
      of the display like what a man
      I dated told me once: the reason
      for lipstick, he said, is
      to make a proxy cunt of the mouth,
      since humans are the only animals
      to hide their genitals with clothes.
      He was putting on lipstick as he said this,
      becoming a woman as I watched
      from my perch on his bed. Now
      I walk down the street in my tie
      and things happen, not only to
      the swing of my shoulders, the lope
      of my hips. Women comment, the men
      look away. I don’t know that ex-
      lover anymore, can’t ask him
      what I long to ask him: if he ever wanted,
      when he was through using it,
      to unknot the silk of his cock
      and let someone else slip it on,
      this thing that was part of him but not
      in the way we’d thought,
      as the red of his mouth became
      the red of my mouth
      when we kissed hard enough.

      from #70 - Winter 2020

      Sarah P. Strong

      “Sometimes I write poetry just to figure out what the hell is going on—a truth can sneak into a poem before I’m aware of it anywhere else. When I look at the poem ‘My Tie’ now, it’s clear to me that it was a step toward claiming a nonbinary identity and they/them pronouns as my own.”