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      October 1, 2023Stephen AbneyNight View, Base Camp, East of Kyiv

      There aren’t as many stars tonight
      As once there were before;
      I’ve watched a hundred of them fall;
      I’m certain there were more.
      There aren’t as many soldiers now
      As once there were before;
      I’ve seen a hundred good men die;
      I’m sure that there were more.
      And yet, the stars keep shining
      Bright, blazing as the sun.
      For every one that fades away,
      A new one has begun.
      Soldiers, too, are like the stars.
      I guess they’ll always be
      Expendable, replaceable,
      Unto the last draftee.

      from Poets Respond

      Stephen Abney

      “This poem concerns the ongoing war in Ukraine. Its message applies to many other conflicts, past and present.”