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      September 2, 2017Nihilist in Bloom at a Retail StoreMagda Werkmeister

      “everything happens for a reason
      sometimes good things
      fall apart
      so better things
      can come together”
      is what the sign boasted
      and the woman
      couldn’t help herself
      from scoffing
      “this is where dreams
      go to die”
      there in the cold
      light, hospital
      white, of the retail store.
      is there in any of this
      she thought to herself.
      she was not bitter
      for what injustice
      is felt by those born
      into cookie-cutter lives
      but she was aware
      of the injustices
      and abject cruelty
      in the world
      and she was becoming aware
      of the absurdity
      and misplaced values
      in the life of a white suburban woman.
      what reason existed
      even in her own life
      dead dog at seven
      stood up by prom date
      rejection from ivy league
      new puppy at eight
      met boyfriend at prom
      full ride to state college
      things come together
      in the natural fluidity
      of a human life
      but rhyme and reason
      had been abandoned as infants
      at the door of a derelict convent
      and had not been seen since
      that black velvet night
      and with that thought in mind
      the woman left the retail store.

      from 2017 RYPA

      Magda Werkmeister (age 15)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “I don’t even think I really consciously like to write poetry. I was raised in a household of words; to read and to write is as natural as breathing.”