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      April 21, 2019Rachel CusterNotre Dame de Paris Catches Fire

      And everybody becomes a poet, seeing
      meaning where there is no meaning,
      seeing metaphor in the destruction
      of metaphor. A house of God on fire
      is a poem. Listen: it is saying nothing
      stands forever, nothing you love will
      not be burned away. Good Friday
      has come again, and somewhere men
      nail themselves to wood to feel like God.
      Somewhere a man sets fire to a girl.
      A crucifixion is a poem, saying nothing
      dies forever. Even a woman who burns
      will rise again. Notre Dame will rise again,
      says a man on a Paris street, and he
      is crying. Paris is not the same without
      her. A man crying on the street is a poem
      saying nothing feels like holiness, the fire
      that burns away everything but what is
      good. What is good? This day, a man
      coming down from his cross, a girl
      walking forth from a fire, raising again
      her voice to sing the good news.

      from Poets Respond

      Rachel Custer

      “Gospel means ‘good news.’ The good news is that, despite the hard news this Holy Week, we can be redeemed through the saving blood of Christ. Notre Dame will rise again. So will we.”