August 27, 2008

Tracy Klein, RN, MS, FNP


As the cancer patients died you smoked
Another cigarette down by the dormitory pool, arm
Dangling in the airless heat. A big
Pink swimsuit wrapped you like a blanket.
We’d wrestled the pool from the medical students
For the afternoon, as they studied up on bones.

I was swaddling newborns all summer,
Purple heads aiming for the room air. Their
Bewildered mothers cradled them, fingers starred
In green tattoos, while palm trees waved
A first hello. It’s a rough life:
The scratch of bad guitars outside the
Chicken Hut, girls trying on sunglasses so the men
Can’t see their eyes. Often it’s a candle or a prayer between
Themselves and death: a glance, a finger sign.

You fed the public hospital patients through various tubes
And afterwards drank private drinks down by the beach.
“It always starts so small” you say
Gesturing at the loss of whole limbs and breasts,
The smallness of their cancer growing. Released from
Work, I see the babies nightly in my dreams.
They rock themselves in plastic Bassinets.
Reach up with toes and fingers wiggling,
Proud of all their parts.

from Rattle #28, Winter 2007

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January 1, 2001

Tribute to Southern Poets

Conversation with
David Bottoms


Rattle #39

Releasing March 1, Rattle‘s inaugural quarterly issue is devoted entirely to the work of Southern Poets. As William Wright describes in his essay on the subject, “there is no definable element that makes a Southern poet Southern, other than the geography he or she claims.” What’s more, the cultural fabric of the American South has been changing rapidly in the 21st century, and many of the old assumptions about Southern literature—an emphasis on bucolic landscapes, history, family, and so on—no longer hold. So what is it that makes a poet Southern?

As always, we’ve let the writers speak for themselves, selecting the best 39 poems that we could find from over 10,000 submissions. There are plenty of donkeys and drinking, bibles and baseballs and bass boats—but there are also teenagers tripping on acid, movie stars finding romance, and Mexican workers on strike. The South is too rich a heritage for any stereotype, but by gathering these poems together we can tease out the subtle traits they share. Helping us along the way is an intimate and entertaining conversation between Alan Fox and Georgia State Poet Laureate David Bottoms, and a series of black and white photographs by Southern Poet William Walsh.


Audio Available = audio available

Southern Poets

Audio Available Leslie Marie Aguilar Poem for the Educated Black Woman …
Dan Albergotti A Brief History of Poetry
Audio Available Michael Blaine Jayus
David Bottoms Cubs on Allatoona
Slow Nights in the Bass Boat
Audio Available Michael Chitwood Summer Job
Liz N. Clift At the Edge of the Hennessey Farm
Audio Available R.G. Evans The Things That Mother Said
John Gosslee Her Sports Game
Chera Hammons Tornado Alley
Gretchen Hodgin To Bitterness:
Audio Available David Brendan Hopes James Dickey Died Owing Me …
Audio Available Edison Jennings Brown Eyed Girl
Audio Available Joel F. Johnson Oakbrook Estates
Julie Kane Dullahan
Katie Knoll Skinned
Cody Lumpkin Egging a House
Ed Madden Church Camp, Summer 1977
Sandra Marshburn Small Spool
Arthur McMaster Things to Ponder about the Southern …
Devon Miller-Duggan Oliver Leamy (10 Months) …
Anis Mojgani Somewhere in My Body Are Two Flowers …
Audio Available Annie Mountcastle Labor
Audio Available Jeremy Dae Paden After My Copy of Levertov’s Life …
Audio Available Melissa Queen Learn to Sail with Your Dad
J. Phillip Reed Apotropaic of Giving Good Ole Boys Roadhead
Liz Robbins Drive-In Church
Audio Available Larry Rogers Mr. Rescue
Mike Saye Scent and Bones
R.T. Smith Cervine Occurrence
Philip St. Clair Newton Township
Audio Available Lolita Stewart-White If Only
Marcela Sulak Men on Strike
Audio Available Sarah Sweeney Tripping at the NC Agricultural State Fair
Audio Available William Walsh The Movie Star’s Secret
Kenny Williams The Hummingbird
Audio Available Matthew Wimberley Tabula Rasa
William Wright Nightmare, Revised
Beyond Geography (Essay)


David Bottoms


Dagmar Nelson
William Walsh