September 6, 2024

Brian O’Sullivan


“Here; just stick the end of this hose in yer muzzle—guzzle
the cold ones we’ll pour down the funnel … GUZZLE! GUZZLE!”
Our clunkers squat in St. Greg’s parking lot; there is Chuck’s
pride, his sixty-six gold Impala—a bad gas guzzler. “GUZZ–LE!”
In the sacristy, Fr. Ellis, trembling, twists open the communion wine
and hears the choirs of seraphim chanting, “Gu–ZZLE! Gu–ZZLE!”
Down the block, Mr. Mancini, old soldier of Mussolini, makes bitter
wine in his garage, and, trying to ease his ancient troubles, guzzles.
Out on the sun-blessed and -blasted savannah, after a rain, it’s time
to celebrate; around a cool oasis, the assembled gazelles guzzle.
A man and a woman and a blackbird / are one, O Wallace of
Hartford, if they, in their thirst, from one shared nozzle guzzle.
Paolo says an expanding spiral of beer will soon consume the
world; so it must be, if all entities that want a buzz’ll guzzle.
There’s a spark, entangled with all the stars in the Milky Way, in
each of us—stardust that, one day, our expanding sun’ll guzzle.
Sure as the beer drips, we’re consumed from within;
I hear the bacteria chanting “Guzz–LLE! Guzz–LLE!
I thought it was an ugly way to name a form that sweetly flows
like nectar; but I’m learning to love the words guzzle, ghazal.
The night was cold and the beer was colder. All around, all
the thirsty crew were chanting: “GU–ZZLE! GU–ZZLE!”
Thinking back, I almost need a drink, for I face a guzzle puzzle—
Do I have the brain cells left to write a “guzzle” ghazal?
Now grow up, Brian, and cease your childish “guzzle, guzzle”—
Sublimate! Transform! and make your guzzle ghazal.

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024
Tribute to the Ghazal


Brian O’Sullivan: “I love the challenge of having each couplet work independently and in contrast to the others but still somehow attempting to give the ghazal as a whole a sense of composition and movement. (Getting feedback on Rattle’s Critique of the Week helped a lot with this.) However, what really resonated with me was hearing Karan Kapoor and Shannan Mann, on The Poetry Space_, discuss how ghazals give poets license to be irreverent, as we might in bawdy ballads or drinking songs, even while also making space for panoramic visions. I don’t know whether or not featuring beer being guzzled through a funnel is a little too irreverent—but if you’re reading this in Rattle, maybe it turned out to be just irreverent enough.” (web)

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September 5, 2024

Megan Falley


It’s good that he’s gone,
but don’t let him be too gone.

He’s got to be candle blown out
in the other room gone.

Or exhaust pipe
huffing down the block gone.

Not closure-gone. Not someone-else’s-
baby-gone. Not cut your hair gone.

He can’t ever be too far
away to hurt you, honey.

You can pedal away but make sure it’s a polaroid
of him clicking in your bicycle wheel down the boulevard.

Put a suitcase in a trunk and every state in between you
if you want, but when you turn on the radio,

search for his song.
Don’t get me wrong, you can love.

You can bend over
a pinball machine for a biker,

or a balcony for a photographer.
You can bend over a bridge

for a poet, but when you’re in a strange city
at a lonely hotel bar and they ask

what you’re drinking,
say his name.

from Rattle #46, Winter 2014


Megan Falley: “I started writing poems when I was a little girl—mostly in handmade Mother’s Day cards or valentines. I think most of my poems are still basically Mother’s Day cards and valentines, just dark, grittier ones that no one would ever want to receive.” (web)

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September 4, 2024

Francisco Castro Videla


the lady asked me what it meant
and for some reason i told her we were refugees from Transnitria
a small republic surrounded by very large and powerful states
a republic so small that it can only be spotted on a map with a magnifying glass
that sometimes we weren’t even on the map
that there was a debate about our recognition in many parliaments and organizations
that no one really wanted us
that we were an uncomfortable thing
that our borders were always in dispute
that we were an unresolved issue
that every day someone questioned our status and threw words at us like de facto and juridical and special
that no one would accept our currency
that everyone was suspicious of our passports
that we had no rights
that many of us were killed
that in spite of that we felt as part of a community
that although it’s true we sometimes fought with each other
we had a common tongue
we yearned for the same horizons
we grew by the same rivers and mountains
we were raised under the same harassment and the same difficulties and the same lack
that although all we knew was displacement and rejection we would always sing about our home
that all we wanted was what was best for our people
that our anthem talked about pride and happiness and love and fortitude and peace
that our emblem was a rising sun because our fight was for a future filled with light
i said that’s what being trans meant
she said that it was both very sad and very beautiful
i said yes
it was

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024


Francisco Castro Videla: “There is not much to be said, the reason for my writing (I think) necessarily eludes me—but I can only state that words such as ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied’ (Matthew 5:6) and ‘Verily, God does not look at your shapes or wealth, but he looks at your hearts and actions’ (Muslim, Book 45, Hadith 42) should never be taken lightly.”

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September 3, 2024

Mary McLaughlin Slechta


I want to know who cried for the toy I found out back this afternoon.
Was it the same child who ate a sandwich made from the bread
out of the plastic bag I found last week? So difficult to date plastic.
The toy gas pump promises five cents a gallon.
That would make a dollar’s worth about a tank.
Maybe 1960. Maybe a politician now. Small world.
Someone who keeps voting for war to save our way of life.
The Onondagas want the land returned to their stewardship.
They want the lake cleaned properly.
They want everything back the way it was
before that odious Simon LeMoyne grabbed all the salt
for his three-minute egg. Before his flock fouled the water.
I want everything put back. The toy put back in the boy’s pocket
and the boy’s father back on a ship beside his parents.
I want the ship setting a reverse course for the shores of Europe.
Before they arrive I want Hitler back in his mother’s womb
and the reset stone in her garden wall
back in the path of her thin-soled slipper.
The passengers will insist on sandwiches, I suppose,
lovely little sandwiches wrapped in paper.
If they trim the bread, let them leave the crusts behind
to feed the birds a lavish supper. Then let the birds go back
to eating whatever it is they did before McDonald’s.
I’ll go back too, a circuitous route by wagon first,
returning my skillet to the forge, my rolling pin to the forest,
discharging my nose and hair like a Halloween mask,
my skin like a suit of mail: a withered champion,
at last, more onion and potato than flesh and bone,
ascending the bow of a ship from the cool dry cellar of my soul.
Oh, amazing grace! To cross the dangerous shoals
where the bones sing home all the ships at sea.
Let the women swallow back air they churned to storm.
Let them refill the lungs of children
they pull from waves and wrest their husbands
from the teeth of sharks. In the restored calm,
let memory whet my tongue
for the anchor of my mother’s food.
On shore, my father waits.
His hands are empty with missing me.
Let the glint at his feet in the sand
be only the sun, chasing the tail
of a golden worm.

from Rattle #31, Summer 2009
Tribute to African American Poets


Mary Mclaughlin Slechta: “As I restored the soil of my city garden, each token of former human activity became a little mystery. I also thought a lot about the much abused Onondaga Lake we can almost see from the back window and the Onondaga land claim that embraces the lake as well as this poorly treated land. This poem is dedicated to all of us moved and removed, but mostly to the long, juicy worms that have wiggled back from who knows where.”

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September 2, 2024

Chiwenite Onyekwelu


While her organs wrecked, she had a mouth full
of prayer.
It was stage IV & I didn’t understand the logic.
How, of prayer,
Of the softness between God’s hands, cancer
could slip in unnoticed.
Like the Diocletian Persecutors, burning books
of prayer.
You have to keep your body open: The first
rule of prayer
is also the last. I saw her begin chemotherapy.
An act of prayer
Or maybe strength. As the persecutors burned
books of prayer,
historians say, they burnt the believers as well.
To deprive of prayer
Is to walk headfirst into light, to walk until you
become your own
jeweled God. It was Saddiq Dzukogi who—
in a dirge of prayer—
Wrote, Questions lead you out of blasphemy
not into it.
O cherub of metastasizing cells. Patron Saint
of prayer
Rams. Did you listen as she grappled her beads
of prayer,
or did you panic—a celestial retreating at the
latch of prayer.
It infected one lymph node & then the next. Each
spread as exact.
Until she moved from grief to glitter, from groan
to humming songs of prayer.
Death draws you towards surrender or away from it.
Sleek mouth of prayer,
of humor & those bedside jokes. As if she knew her
days of prayer
Were ending, & she held on to what was left after all.
Made a mockery of her pain
knowing she’d never hurt again. As if to say, I’m out
I’m out, I’m out of prayer.

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024
Tribute to the Ghazal


Chiwenite Onyekwelu: “I always loved reading ghazals, even though I had never written one. I loved that, somehow, ghazal poems seem to point the reader towards a particular word or words—thereby willing them to pay attention and remain in the present. This poem is my first-ever ghazal. I wrote it after one of my clinical rounds in the cancer ward as a pharmacy undergraduate. I saw a woman push back pain and fear and death, and when I came home, I knew I had to write this poem.” (web)

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September 1, 2024

D.A. Gray


for Gus

Ours was often a wordless language,
Whole conversations shared in the space
Between the hook flying from the rod,
To the splashdown in the water,
And in the waiting for the pull from some
Invisible place beneath the surface, or
Maybe the realization it wouldn’t happen.
Not always deep—sometimes anger tore
Through the mind like the hook’s barb;
Other times gratitude slapped one awake.
Or, like now, resting my hand on the glassy
Arm of an old rocking chair he’d worked
Nights sanding and smoothing,
Caning and coating,
And when this heirloom was passed down,
My few words, “I’ll take care of it”
Were all that broke the surface.
That memory shook me watching a father on stage,
Talking tirelessly of building a team,
The hands of the son pointing, shaking,
In the audience sobbing, three words pushing
Past the hard glass surface of men,
A whole universe on the other side.

from Poets Respond


D.A. Gray: “Gus Walz’s outpouring of emotion during his father’s speech at the DNC convention touched a lot of hearts but it also caused many adults to reflect on the repressed emotions in their own experience, and to see a stark contrast in the choices facing us—fearless caring, or a culture of fear shaped by toxic masculinity.”

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August 31, 2024

Asher Jarmul (age 3)


A big bush called to a tree man: Hey tree,
what are you doing up there? Are you just
doing a dance move? Are you just doing the
ABCs, like the letters? I don’t know what
you’re doing.
If you’re a human, just come down and
think about it. You can take a breath. And
don’t let any monsters cause you trouble.

from 2024 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Asher Jarmul: “Because I like to listen to the poems after my mom records them.”

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