January 21, 2024

P.H. Crosby


how it eats at you, the news, always it’s in the news,
not even a story needed, just a snippet of headline
finds you scrubbing a little harder with something you shouldn’t,
a piece of steel wool in your fist that will take off enamel,
finds your jaw clenched as you seek some solace in the yard,
icy white clouds rocketing above you in the desolate blue;
and when your wife comes in later from chopping wood,
her face a little gray already with weariness, you convince her to listen to music
instead of turning on the news, so she won’t one more time have to
sit in the grip of powerlessness with you,
unable to affect the course let alone the outcome,
least of all with the lines belting out of your smart little machine,
which ricochet while you pause, searching for the g,
and see you have savaged the very letter off your key.

from Poets Respond
January 21, 2024


P.H. Crosby: “A response to yet another story about school shooting, this time a story about law enforcement itself apparently frozen, seemingly incapable of acting, just as we as citizens seem incapable of taking the measures needed—and proven—to reduce gun violence.”

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January 20, 2024

Devon Miller-Duggan


for my father

A thing that’s named “Old Blue” should be a dog,
some flop-eared, lazy hound. Your Blue was
just a car. Okay, not just a car—an Oldsmobile
from back before we believed fuel was scarce,
from back when men made cars for men with lots of kids
and fathers piled their kids into their cars and
spent their Sundays on back roads, going
nowhere other than to see what could be seen from roads.

Your Blue drove like a frigate cut the waves,
and you loved Blue enough, and roads enough,
and seeing what was out along the roads
enough that you and Blue took trips alone—
you’d head out west or north, just you and Blue,
and stop to read the paragraphs on signs—
“PITTSBURGH: Gateway to the West,”
“HENRY M. LELAND: Designer of Cadillac and Lincoln cars …”
“The Haven peach varieties were developed here by …”
“Just off the Highway to Rochester, Minnesota …”

You’d rise at dawn and drive to dark
and eat the buffalo or chowder in the diners
by the secondary roads. Gone for
weeks, alone except for strangers you’d
charm into friends-along-the-way,
pocketing their stories and then sharing
one or two with us when you came home.

They took your body out, the hearse parked
right behind Old Blue. It’d been months
since you could drive—the cancer in your skin
turned inward toward your brain. I haven’t asked
who gets Old Blue. Your wife would think
I wanted it. You’d think my not asking meant
I didn’t know how much it meant, or didn’t care.

Here’s my wish: you at Blue’s wheel,
your elbow on the open window frame,
unpoliced and doing 80 on a rolling road toward mountains.
The sky’s almost as blue and shining as Old Blue, and
up ahead a marker by the road retells a story you will
laugh at, and a diner waits. The locals love your stories—
you tell the one about how many ways you invented
to peel potatoes when you had KP as a private—and
the waitress flirts and looks like Mitzi Gaynor,
and the peaches in the pie you have with breakfast
hit your tongue with all the buttered sweetness you can bear,
and Blue runs like a mythic athlete, and
every state you cross takes you away from me.

from Rattle #34, Winter 2010
Rattle Poetry Prize Honorable Mention


Devon Miller-Duggan: “After 25 years of teaching everything from a class on Fisher King mythology to comparative lit. surveys, I am finally (having at last gotten a book out) teaching creative writing, and for all the debates about whether it’s good for writers to teach writing and whether it can be taught at all, I just plain love it. That being said, my most recent ‘accomplishment’ is probably having gotten up in time to start the monastic day at 4:00 a.m. at Christ in the Desert, and having done the whole cycle, including singing antiphonally in Latin and weeding the hops field—all of which only added a layer of certainty to my conviction that I am about as unfit for a monastic life as it’s possible to be.”

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January 19, 2024

Danusha Laméris


You can get used to almost anything. 
Like whatever it was that lived
in my best friend’s house when we were girls. 
You’d hear its steady tic tic tic up and down 
the stairs, feel it sweep past you 
in the darkened hall. And what about 
those nights we stayed up late 
talking in the living room? How we kept 
turning up the heat, but each time, the dial 
slid back to its familiar chill.
The story: a medic back from World War II. 
His apartment in the attic.
Which explains the time she woke 
and saw a grizzled countenance
gazing down at her, a flashlight 
fixed on her face. 
And somehow, even after that,
kept on sleeping in her room, 
dreaming under her thick blankets,
while he went on clodding down the hall, 
taking notes, checking beds. 
This is how it is to live with loss, 
the visitor that never leaves. It walks 
through your house. It eats your bread, 
sleeps in an upstairs room. Sometimes, 
you pass in the kitchen, give 
each other a nod. More ordinary 
than terrible. Except, some nights, 
when it wakes you, shines its full heft 
in your face and what was broken in you 
breaks again, though after, your one half 
tells the other what it knows: 
such sorrow means you have survived, 
have lived to bear its weight.

from Rattle #82, Winter 2023


Danusha Laméris: “I write because I am trying to get closer and closer to the marrow of it, whatever the It might be. I write to try and find order in chaos. And sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I do.” (web)

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January 18, 2024

Cold Sun by Jeanne Wilkinson, sepia photograph of an abandoned shopping cart in a snowy landscape

Image: “Cold Sun” by Jeanne Wilkinson. “Curriculum Vitae” was written by Dante Di Stefano for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, December 2023, and selected as the Artist’s Choice. (PDF / JPG)


Dante Di Stefano


When I was young, I wrote a long poem
about a shopping cart overturned in
the Susquehanna River and I called it
a psalm and I can still recall the sun-
light in that poem and how the muddy
green water eddied through it and how time
slowed down as I waded through its shallows.
I think there was an angel in it, one
of Blake’s, dancing on the rusty right front
wheel, pointing to the invisible moon
orbiting the distant planet of all
the poetry I would one day commit
to paper and windpipe and atmosphere
and intestine and aching knuckle bone.
And now, in middle age, I don’t know if
the sun rises or sets in my poems,
but I know it is there, way out beyond
the overpass, and I’m here at the edge
of the desolate parking lot, where stray
cart and mud and snow commingle and God
is in the chain link and the streetlight wires
that hopscotch my view of the horizon,
and I believe that one day, when I’m gone,
sparrowing deep underground, I’ll still be
spiraling in the center of my lines,
voyaging along the turnpikes of verbs
enjambed in black and white, constellated
in ink on a page, syllabled to life.

from Ekphrastic Challenge
December 2023, Artist’s Choice


Comment from the artist, Jeanne Wilkinson: “I have many favorites in this group of poems. Some of my friends read also, all coming up with different choices, making me go back and read again, again, again; this was a very pleasurable problem. Several of the poems gave me goosebumps, but I kept coming back to one that made me shiver every time I read it, and still does. It’s ‘Curriculum Vitae’ and I love the mood, which seems to me infused with luminous sepia tones, matching the atmosphere of my photograph: bleak, lonely, but not without hope. Bottom line, this poet had me at Blake’s angel.”

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January 17, 2024

Linda Kunhardt


The bee on the handle
stung me, and the pain multiplied.
I hurled the pail and left the bee
to life or death, I don’t know which.
Suddenly I felt irrelevant. To the bee,
spent and clinging to the handle,
I was merely a mass, a force to ignite
the stinging process,
as other and unknowable
as friends or enemies
or the bouquet carried by my ex’s
second wife down the aisle. 

from Rattle #82, Winter 2023


Linda Kunhardt: “After the bee stung me, I had a strong sense of being secondary. I wanted to explore various aspects of alienation, as well as the interplay of physical and emotional pain.”

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January 16, 2024

Francesca Bell


The day I finally rose staggering
from our bed of kryptonite,
gnawed free from the anchor
that dragged its own boat down
with it, and walked out,
you stopped me in the drive
to set one thing straight:
were I to sleep, even once,
with anyone else, you would never,
ever, ever take me back.

It wasn’t hard to arrange that very day
and many, many days after,
that whole long spring and summer,
and sometimes more than once a day
when I felt like it, to take a man,
pretty much any man, to bed
or the shower or the high-rise
office building floor. Having been,
despite years of accusations and interrogations,
as steadfast and inert as a corpse,

I began slowly to revive, each man’s hands
on me like a paramedic’s feeling
for a pulse, their mouths bent
on resuscitation, their bodies thrusting
up inside me insistently the way a doctor
pushes and pushes on a stopped heart
trying to turn it back on, every stroke
powering a stroke of my own leaden arms
fighting, struggling from down deep
through thick, sucking water
as I fucked my way upward,
one man at a time, and came
bursting, breathless, back to life.

from Rattle #35, Summer 2011


Francesca Bell: “As Stephen Dunn says, and as I tell my mother, the fact that something actually happened would be the very worst reason to write a poem about it.” (web)

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January 15, 2024

Matthew King


Of course they don’t. Of course they optimize
the force that they apply with every blow.
They’d have to hammer harder otherwise,
to do the same amount of work. You’d know
this if you used your head for just a bit.
You don’t because you’d rather let them stand
as models of a headspace that you’d fit
yourself in gladly—wouldn’t it be grand
to bang and bang your brains and never mind?
You’ve seen how many jagged shards they spray,
you’ve seen how deep the holes they leave behind,
and thought, of course, they’ve got to have a way
not to feel all the force they must exert.
You wanted to believe it doesn’t hurt.

from Rattle #82, Winter 2023


Matthew King: “Like Stephen Dunn, I started writing poems to get girls to like me. (He says ‘that’s the glib answer,’ but it doesn’t sound glib to me.) All these years later, I’m still trying to write love poems, though where love is not of the kind that I’ve come to think of as a ‘narcissism of two,’ with lovers gazing upon themselves reflected in each other, but where it’s a shared, responsive reception of the being of things, from different perspectives, in which speaking and hearing lovers—whether together or apart—reciprocally, deepeningly, open themselves and the world to each other.” (web)

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