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February 26, 2001



In 2006 we began publishing electronic reviews instead of including them in our print issues, so that we could publish more of them, in a more timely manner, and with more spatial freedom. Our policy was to never assign review, and to welcome any opinion that seemed honest. We also encouraged a personal narrative style, to reflect the private and subjective experience of actually reading a book. The E-Reviews section closed at the end of 2013, but over the seven years we published the hundreds of reviews you’ll find below. This is the archive.



E-Reviews by Book Author

Abani, Chris – Sanctificum
Accardi, Millicent – Woman on a Shaky Bridge
Adams, Rachel – What Is Heard
Addonizio, Kim – Ordinary Genius
Addonizio, Kim – Lucifer at the Starlite
Ang, Arlene – Seeing Birds in Church …
Ashton, Sally – Some Odd Afternoon
Azriel, Yakov – Beads for the Messiah’s Bride
Albergotti, Dan – The Boatloads
Ali, Agha Shahid – The Veiled Suite
Aliesan, Jody – True North: Nord Vrai
Allen, Kelli – Otherwise, Soft White Ash
Alurista – Xicano Duende
Ammons, A.R. – Ommateum (With Doxology)
Arthur, James – Charms Against Lightning
Atkinson, Charles – Fossil Honey
Atwood, Margaret – Morning in the Burned House
Ayers, Lana Hechtman – Dance From …
Ayers, Lana Hechtman – A New Red
Balbo, Ned – Something Must Happen
Bang, Mary Jo – Elegy
Barber, Caleb – Beasts & Violins
Bar-Nadav, Hadara – A Glass of Milk …
Barnstone, Willis – Life Watch
Barnstone, Willism, tr. – Restored New Testament
Bartow, Stewart – Questions for the Sphinx
Bass, Ellen – Mules of Love
Basso, Eric – The Catwalk Watch
Basso, Eric – The Catwalk Watch (2)
Baugher, Janée – The Body’s Physics
Beachy-Quick, Dan – This Nest, Swift Passerine
Beasley, Sandra – Theories of Falling
Beasley, Sandra – I Was the Jukebox
Beatman, Lisa – Manufacturing America
Beck, Art – Summer With All …
Beckman, Joshua – Take It
Belz, Aaron – The Bird Hoverer
Bergmann, F.J. – Out of the Black Forest
Berrigan, Ted – Collected Poems
Bertram, Lillian-Yvonne – But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise
Bethanis, Peter – American Future
Bingham, Remica L. – What We Ask of Flesh
Blatner, Barbara – The Still Position
Blauner, Laurie – Wrong
Bliumis-Dunn, Sally – Talking Underwater
Bly, Robert – Talking into the Ear of the Donkey
Bly, Robert – Talking into the Ear of the Donkey (2)
Bogen, Deborah – Landscape with Silos
Boisseau, Michelle – A Sunday in God Years
Boully, Jenny – [one love affair]*
Bredle, Jason – Standing in Line …
Brehm, John – Help Is on the Way
Briante, Susan – Utopia Minus
Brock, Kristin – Cloisters
Brodsky, Louis Daniel – Dine-Rite: Breakfast Poems
Brodsky, Louis Daniel – By Leaps and Bounds
Brooks, Michelle – Make Yourself Small
Browne, Susan – Zephyr
Bryan Sharon – Sharp Stars
Buckley, Christopher – Modern History
Burnside, John – The Hunt in the Forest
Bursk, Christopher – First Inhabitants of …
Byrne, Edward – Seeded Light
Calder, Kim – Who’s to Say What’s Home
Campbell, Monty, Jr – A Large Dent in the Moon
Capps, Ashley – Mistaking the Sea …
Cardenal, Ernesto – The Origin of Species …
Cardenas, Brenda – From the Tongues …
Carrington, Patrick – Rise, Fall …
Carrington, Patrick – Thirst
Carter, Jared – A Dance in the Street
Castillo, Ana – Watercolor Women …
Chorlton, David – From the Age of Miracles
Clarke, John – Good Lonely Day
Clark, Kevin – Self-Portrait with Explicatives
Cleary, Michael – Halfway Decent Sinners
Clifton, Lucille – Voices
Coke, Allison Hedge – Dog Road Woman
Conner, Peter – The Crows Were Laughing …
Cooper & Estabrook – Methinks I See My Father
Corbett, Maryann – Breath Control
Cortez, Sarah – Cold Blue Steel
Coutley, Lisa Fay – In the Carnival of Breathing
Cowles, Kathryn – Eleanor, Eleanor …
Crenshaw, Brad – My Gargantuan Desire
Crooker, Barbara – More
Crooker, Barbara – Radiance
Crow, Pam – Inside This House
Daniels, Jim – Street
Darling, Kristina Marie – Compendium
Darling, Kristina Marie – Melancholia (An Essay)
Davis, Peter – Hitler’s Moustache
Davis, Peter – Poetry! Poetry! Poetry!
Davis, Todd – Some Heaven
Davis, Todd – In the Kingdom of the Ditch
Dentz, Shira – Door of Thin Skins
Deppe, Theodore – Orpheus on the Red Line
Der-Hovanessian, Diana – The Second Question
Dickman, Michael – The Flies
di Giorgio, Mirosa – Diadem
Dimartino, Joanie – Licking the Spoon
Dimitrov, Alex – American Boys
Dockins, Mike – Slouching in the Path …
Dougherty, Sean Thomas – Sasha Sings…
Doyle, James – The Long View Just Keeps Treading Water
Doyle, James – Bending Under the Yellow ..
Dragojlovic, Dragan – Death’s Homeland
Donnelly, Richard – The Melancholy MBA
Dubrow, Jehanne – From the Fever-World
Dungy, Camille – Suck on the Marrow
Dunn, Robert – Je Ne Regrette Rien
Duval, Quinton – Joe’s Rain
Egan, Moira – Bar Napkin Sonnets
Eglin, Laura Cesarco – Tailor Shop: Threads
Espada, Martin – The Republic of Poetry
Espada, Martin – The Trouble Ball
Espaillat, Rhina – Her Place in These Designs
Essinger, Cathryn, Innocence
Estess, Sybil Pitmann – Blue, Candled …
Fagan, Aaron – Garage
Fagan, Aaron – Garage (2)
Fargnoli, Patricia – Then, Something
Feinfeld, D.A – Rodin’s Eyes
Ferro, Jeanpaul – Being Dead
Ferro, Jeanpaul – Jazz
Fetherling, George – Plans Deranged by Time
Fielden, Amelia – Baubles, Bangles & Beads
Fischer, B.K. – Mutiny Gallery
Fisher-Wirth, Ann – Dream Cabinet
Foust, Rebecca – Dark Card
Foust, Rebecca – Mom’s Canoe
Fox, Valerie – The Glass Book
Frith, Carol – Two for a Journey
Fry, John – Silt Will Swirl
Garrison, David Lee – Playing Bach on the D.C. Metro
Spera, Gabriel – The Rigid Body
Garvey, Pamela – Fear
Gavin, Larry – Stone and Sky
Ghaffer, Asher – Wasps in a Golden …
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti – The Place I Call Home
Gillette, Michelle – The Green Cottage
Gloeggler, Tony – Greatest Hits
Gluck, Louise – A Village Life
Girmay, Aracelis – Teeth
Goetsch, Douglas – Your Whole Life
Goldbarth, Albert – Everyday People
Goldner, Harvey – Her Bright Bottom
Golos, Veronica – Vocabulary of Silence
Good, Howie – Cryptic Endearments
Goodan, Kevin – Winter Tenor
Goodman, Brent – My Brother Swimming …
Goodyear, Dana – The Oracle of Hollywood Boulevard
Grant, Alex – Chains & Mirrors
Graziano, Nathan – Teaching Metaphors
Greenhouse, Stuart – What Remains
Greinki/Rimbaud – Drunken Boat
Griffiths, M.A. – Grasshopper
Grimm, Teri Youmans – Dirt Eaters
Guess, Carol – F IN
Guest, Paul – My Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge
Le Guin, Ursula K. – Finding My Elegy
Gundy, Jeff – Spoken Among the Trees
Hadaway, Meredith – Fishing Secrets…
Hafiz – Two Translations
Hamill, Sam – Measured by Stone
Hansen & Hasselstrom – Dirt Songs: A Plains Duet
Hardy, Myronn – Headless Saints
Harrington, Janice – Even the Hollow …
Harrison, Pamela – What to Make of It
Hartenbach, Mark – Beneath the …
Harvey, Matthea – Modern Life
Harvey, Suzanne Richardson – A Tiara for …
Haskins, Lola – Not Feathers Yet
Hawkey, Christian – Book of Funnels
Haven, Stephen – The Last Sacred Place in North America
Haven, Stephen – Dust & Bread
Hays, K.A. – Early Creatures, Native Gods
Hecht, Jamey – Limousine Midnight Blue
Heflin, Jack – Local Hope
Hembree, Carolyn – Skinny
Henn, Steve – And God Said: Let There Be Evolution!
Henry, Nancy A. – Our Lady of Let’s All Sing
Hernandez, David – Hoodwinked
Hiemstra, Marvin – French Kiss Destiny
Hilbert, Ernest – Sixty Sonnets
Hinton, David – Selected Poems of Li Po
Homan, Brandi – Two Kinds of Arson
Hostovsky, Paul – A Little in Love a Lot
Hughey, Elizabeth – Sunday Houses the …
Hunley, Tom C. – Octopus
Inez, Colette – Horseplay
Irwin, Mark – Tall If
James, David – She Dances Like Mussolini
Jamieson, Leland – In Vitro
Jackson, Gary – Missing You, Metropolis
Jedamus, Julith – The Swerve
Johnson, Larry – Veins
Johnston, Alastair – Elipsis (…)
Jones, Arlitia – Bandsaw Riots
Jones-Davis, Georgia – Blue Poodle
Kane, Julie – Rhythm and Booze
Kányádi, Sándor – In the Contemporary Tense
Karasek, Joseph – Love and the Ten …
Kasischke, Laura – Space, in Chains
Kaufman, Shirley – Ezekiel’s Wheels
Keelan, Claudia – Missing Her
Kelleher, Rose – Bundle O’ Tinder
Kempa, Rick – Ten Thousand Voices
Kerrigan, Nancy – The Voices
Keyes, Claire – The Question of Rapture
King, Robert – Old Man Laughing
King, Rosie – Sweetwater, Saltwater
Kingston, Katie – El Rio de las Animas …
Kinsella, John – Divine Comedy
Kinsella, John – Divine Comedy (2)
Klass, Margo & Frank Soos – Double Moon
klipschutz – This Drawn and Quartered Moon
Kohler, Sandra – The Country of Women
Knox, Janet Norman – Eastlake Cleaners …
Kohler, Sandra – Improbably Music
Kosk, Lidia – Sweetwater/Saltwater
Kosmicki, Greg – We Have Always Been …
Krok, Peter – Looking for the Eye
Krut, Robert – The Spider Sermons
Kumin, Maxine – Still to Mow
Kutchins, Laurie – Slope of the Child …
La Ganga, Annie – Stoners and Self- …
Laux, Dorinane – Book of Men
Lawrence, Jenifer Browne – One Hundred …
Leatherman, Stacie – Storm Crop
Lee, Karen An-hwei
Lee, Li-Young – Behind My Eyes
Lee, Li-Young – The Winged Seed
Lee, Stellasue – firecracker RED
Leon, Raina – Canticle of Idols
L’Esperance, Mari – The Darkened Temple
Levin, Lynn – Fair Creature Hour
Levin, Lynn – Miss Plastique
Levis, Larry – Elegy
Lightle, Drake A. – Self-Inflicted
Linehan, Moira – If No Moon
Lockie, Ellaraine – Blue Ribbons …
Lockward, Diane – What Feeds Us
Lockward, Diane – Temptation by Water
Luczaj, Sarah – An Urgent Request
Ludwin, Peter – A Guest in All Your Houses
Lukas, Krista – Fans of My Unconcious
Lumsden, Roddy – Roddy Lumsden Is Dead
Lynch, Alessandra – It Was a Terrible Cloud …
Lindenberg, Rebecca – Love, An Index
Maclay, Sarah – The White Bride
Madzirov, Nikola – Remnants of Another Age
Maloutas, Barbara – The Whole Marie
Manning, Maurice – Bucolics
Manning, Maurice – Lawrence Booth’s …
Marbrook, Djelloul – Far From Algiers
Mark, Sabrina Orah – The Babies
Marks, Janet – I Wanted a City
Martin, Camille – Looms
Matherne, Beverly – Lamothe-Cadillac
Maughn, James – The Arakaki Permutations
McBride, Timothy – The Manageable Cold
McCarthy, Jack – What I Saw
McDuffie, Brad – And the West Was Not …
McGlynn, Karyna – Alabama Steve
McIlroy, Leslie Anne – Liquid Like This
McKinney, Irene – Unthinkable
McIntosh, Sandy – 49 Guaranteed Ways …
McLaughlin, Damon – Exchanging Lives
Mergan, Alexa – Clear All the Rest …
Metzger, Deena – Ruin & Beauty
Meyerhofer, Michael – Leaving Iowa
Middlebrook, Diane – Her Husband: Ted Hughes & Sylvia Plath
Millar, Joseph – Overtime
Millar, Joseph – Blue Rust
Miller, Michael – Darkening the Grass
Miller, Sandra – Oriflamme,
Mills, Tyler – Tongue Lyre
Montgomery, Danielle (Dani) – Woman Write Poems
Moolman, Kobus – Light and After
Morrison, Rusty – Book of the Given
Muldoon, Paul – Horse Latitudes
Mulkey, Rick – Toward any Darkness
Mullany, Edward – If I Falter at the Gallows
Mullen, Laura – Dark Archive
Mulvania, Andrew – Also in Arcadia
Murphy, Rich – Voyeur
Nakayasu Sawako – So We Have Been Given …
Natal, Jim – Memory and Rain
Neale, Emma – The Truth Garden
Newberry, Jeff – Brackish
Nymark, Niki – A Stranger Here Myself
O’Connell, Richard – Irish Monastic Poems
O’Donnell, Angela Alaimo – Moving House
O’Donnell, Angela Alaimo – Saint Sinatra
Oles, Carole Simmons – Waking Stone
Olson, Christina – Before I Came Home Naked
O’Rourke, Meghan – Halflife
O’Rourke, Meaghan – Once
Orr, Leonard – Why We Have Evening
Ostriker, Alicia – Dancing at the Devil’s Party
Otten, Julie – Milk Chip Monday
Parker, Alan Michael – Long Division
Paschen, Elise – Bestiary
Pastan, Linda – Queen of a Rainy Country
Pastan, Linda – Traveling Light
Patchen, Kenneth – Two Books
Paul, Maggie – Borrowed World
Peake, Robert – The Silence Teacher
Pepper, Patric – Zoned Industrial
Perrine, Jennifer – The Body Is No Machine
Peterson, Allan – Omnivore
Phelan, Terry – Husk
Pietryzkowski, Marc – And the Whole …
Platt, Donald – My Father Says Grace
Pollitt, Katha – The Mind-Body Problem
Poteat, Joshua – Ornithologies
Potos, Andrea – Yaya’s Cloth
Potter, Christine – Zero Degrees …
Poudrier, Jason – Red Fields
Powell, D.A. – Useless Landscape or a Guide for Boys
Pritts, Nate – The Wonderfull Yeare
Prufer, Kevin – In a Beautiful Country
Rader, Dean – Work and Days
Randall, Jessy – A Day in Boyland
Randall, Jessy – Injecting Dreams into Cows
Randolph, Patrick – Father’s Philosophy
Ransick, Chris – Lost Songs and Last Chances
Rath, Jeff – The Waiting Room at the End …
Rathkamp, Josh – Some Night No Cars at All
Ray, David – The Music of Time
Raz, Hilda – All Odd and Splendid
Rechter, Judith – Wild West
Rhein, Christine – Wild Flight
Reeser, Jennifer – Sonnets from the Dark Lady
Reyes, Barbara Jane – Diwata
Rich, Susan – The Alchemist’s Kitchen
Rich, Susan – Cures Include Travel
Riggs, Sarah – The Autobiography of Envelopes
Roberts, Kim – The Kimnama
Roberts, Kim – Animal Magnetism
Robertson, Robin – The Wrecking Light
Rooney, Kathleen – Robinson Alone
Rooney, Kathleen – Oneiromance
Ross, Joseph – Meeting Bone Man
Rozewicz, Tadeusz – Sobbing Superpower
Rossi, Lee – Wheelchair Samurai
Ryan, Michael – This Morning
Sáenz, Benjamin A. – Dreaming the End of War
Salamun, Tomaz – The Blue Tower
Salcman, Michael – The Clock Made of Confetti
Salerno, Mark – Odalisque
Sanders, Mark – Here in the Big Empty
Sayeh, H.E. – The Art of Stepping Through Time
Scates, Maxine – Undone
Schott, Penelope Scambly – A Is for Anne
Schott, Penelope Scambly – Lillie Was a Goddess …

Schott, Penelope Scambly – Six Lips
Schott, Penelope Scambly – Six Lips (2)
Scott, Nancy – On Location
Serpas, Martha – The Dirty Side …
Shepard, Neil – This Far From the Source
Shipley, Vivian – All of Your Messages …
Siegell, Paul – Jambandbootleg
Simic, Charles – The Monster Loves His Labyrinth
Simpson, Jeff – Vertical Hold
Sinavaiana-Gabbard, Caroline – Alchemies …
Singer, Ron – A Voice for My Grandmother
Simic, Charles – Master of Disguises
Sloat, Sarah J. – Voice of a Minor Saint
Smith, Bruce – Devotions
Smith, Erin Elizabeth – The Fear of Being …
Smith, Joan Jobe – Picking the Lock …
Smith, Patricia – Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah
Smith, Patricia – Teahouse of the Almighty
Smith, R.T. – Outlaw Style
Smith, S.E. – I Live in a Hut
Snider, Clifton – Aspens in the Wind
Spang, Bruce – The Knott
Spears, Brian – A Witness in Exile
Spidel, Lianne – Chrome
Spidel, Lianne – What to Tell Joseme
Stallings, A.E. – Olives
Staples, Catherine – The Rattling Window
Starkey, David – A Few Things … About the Weasel
Steger, Ales – The Book of Things
Stephanie, S – What the News Seemed to Say
Stephenson, Hannah – In the Kettle, the Shriek
Stern, Gerald – Save the Last Dance
Stern Gerald – In Beauty Bright
Stewart-Nuñez, Christine – Unbound & Branded
Stone, Myrna – The Casanova Chronicles
Stone, Ruth – In the Next Galaxy
Stone, Ruth – What Love Comes To
Suermondt, Tim – Trying to Help …
Sullivan, David – Every Seed of the Pomegranate
Sullivan, Robert – Voices Carried My Family
Svalina, Mathias – Creation Myths
Sweeney, Chad – Arranging the Blaze
Sweeney, Chad – Parable of Hide and Seek
Sze-Lorrain, Fiona – Water the Moon
Takacs, Nancy – Juniper
Tan, Joel Barraquiel – Type O Negative
Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron – Insatiable …
Terris, Susan – Contrariwise
Thomas, Larry D. – The Fraternity of Oblivion
Thomas, Larry D. – The Light of Apricots
Thorburn, Matthew – This Time Tomorrow
Torrence-Thompson, Juanita – Breath-Life
Torrence-Thompson – Talking with Stanley Kunitz
Trinidad, David – The Late Show
Trull, Rhett Iseman – The Real Warnings
Twichell, Chase – Dog Language
Turner, Brian – Here, Bullet
Tyler, Kathleen – My Florida
Ungar, Barbara Louise – Charlotte Bronte…
Ungar, Barbara Louise – The Origin of …
Upton, Lee – Undid in the Land of Undone
Uschuk, Pamela – Crazy Love
Uschuk, Pamela – Crazy Love (2)
Uschuk, Pamela – Wild in the Plaza of Memory
Valentine, Jean – Break the Glass
Vinograd, Julia – America Is Hiding …
Waldrep,G.C. – Disclamor
Wallace, Joni – Blinking Ephemeral Valentine
Wallenstein, Barry – Drastic Dislocations
Wallin, Myna – A Thousand Profane Pieces
Weingarten, Roger – Premature Elegy …
Webb, Charles Harper – Shadow Ball
Weinberger, Florence – Sacred Graffiti
Wells, Sarah M – Pruning Burning Bushes
Western, Samuel – A Random Census of Souls
Wheeler, Lesley – Workshop Girl
Wheeler, Lesley – Heterotopia
Whitbeck, Caroline Noble – Our Classical …
White, Gail – Easy Marks
White, Mike – How to Make a Bird with Two Hands
Wilkens, Gary Charles – The Red Light …
Winslow,Rosemary – Green Bodies
Wisniewski, Mark – One of Us One Night
Wolf, Alyssa – Vaudeville
Woloch, Cecilia – Carpathia
Yaa de Villiers, Phillippa – Taller Than …
Yongming, Zhai – The Changing Room
young, d’bi – art on black
Zapruder, Matthew – Come on All You Ghosts
Zaro, Mariano – The House of Mae Rim
Aspects of Robinson: Homage to Weldon Kees
Beloved Community: The Sisterhood of Homeless …
Best American Poetry 2007 – ed. Heather McHugh
Best American Poetry 2006 – ed. Billy Collins
The Death of King Arthur: A New Verse Translation
Eating the Pure Light: Homage to Thomas McGrath
A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos
Fire on Her Tongue: An eBook Anthology …
Fire on Her Tongue: An eBook Anthology (2)
The Golden Age: Spanish Renaissance
Making Poems: Forty Poems with Commentary
Melopoeia (CD)
Natural Theologies – Denise Low, ed.
The Poems of Jesus Christ – tr. by Willis Barnstone
The Place that Inhabits Us
Saints of Hysteria: Collaborative American Poetry
Salmon: A Journey in Poetry
To Catch Life Anew: 10 Swedish Women Poets
isis x – ed. Allan Kolski Horwitz
Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising Publishing, and Teaching
Women Write Resistance

January 2, 2001

Poetry Is Back in the News

On average, poems in Rattle are published six months to a year after they were submitted. Then they appear online several months after that. Real poetry is timeless, of course, so usually it doesn’t matter—but this is the age of information. News cycles rarely last more than a week, let alone a year. One reason poetry lags behind other forms of contemporary media might be this delay—how can poetry be part of the conversation when it enters so late? Moreover, poets do often respond to current events in real-time, so why make them wait for our print schedule?

Our solution is Poets Respond—a poem written within the last week about a public event that occurred within the last week will appear every Sunday. Our only criterion for selection is the quality of the poem; all opinions and reactions are welcome. Selected poets will receive $100. To have your own poem considered for next week’s posting, submit at the link below before midnight Friday PST. Any poems sent before the midnights of Sunday and Tuesday will also be considered for bonus postings mid-week.

Every Sunday our livestreamed Rattlecast episodes feature the week’s Poets Respond poet at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.




Response Poems


Audio Available Ryan McCarty Why Wouldn’t Autonomous … (Aug. 18)
Audio Available Rex Wilder Hard Labor (Aug. 11)
Audio Available Katie Hartsock Paragon (Aug. 4)
Audio Available Sophie Kaiser Rojas Elegy Beginning on a Line … (July 28)
Audio Available Annette Makino [dry thunder] (July 21)
Audio Available Nina Pelaez Prayer After Iconoclasm (July 14)
Audio Available Leila Jackson There Was No Fire (July 7)
Audio Available Alison Luterman Mockingbirds (June 30)
Talley Kayser Advice to a Monolith (June 23)
Audio Available Terry Kirby Erickson My Father (June 16)
Audio Available Chad Frame We Don’t Call it a Riot (June 9)
Audio Available David Rosenthal Anti-Aubade (June 2)
Audio Available Ryan McCarty Ode to the Cop … (May 26)
Audio Available Christine Potter Close Call (May 19)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Mother’s Day Unsonnet (May 12)
Audio Available John Arthur I Reached Out … (May 5)
Audio Available Dmitry Blizniuk [translate me render me …] (Apr. 28)
Audio Available Chera Hammons What to Do if You’re Barely Scraping By (Apr. 21)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Against the Solar Eclipse (Apr. 14)
Audio Available Ryan McCarty What Will We See … (Apr. 7)
Audio Available Miguel Barretto Garcia Exodus 15:21 (Mar. 31)
Audio Available Pamela Manasco Abecedarian for Alabama … (Mar. 24)
Audio Available Denise Duhamel Poem in Which Barbie … (Mar. 19)
Audio Available Tishani Doshi Kill Them in the Morning (Mar. 17)
Audio Available Erin Murphy Man with Birds and Bread (Mar. 10)
Audio Available Micah Ackerman Hirsch A Kaddish for Aaron Bushnell (Mar. 3)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach Two Years Later. (Feb. 25)
Audio Available Chera Hammons Asteroids as Big as Skyscrapers (Feb. 20)
Audio Available Alixa Brobbey Cocoa Ghazal (Feb. 18)
Audio Available Maryann Corbett Pictures of Ourselves at Twenty-One (Feb. 11)
Audio Available Dick Westheimer A Skeptic’s Guide … (Jan. 28)
Audio Available P.H. Crosby Coping (Jan. 21)
Audio Available Christine Potter What Next, What Next (Jan. 14)
Audio Available Richard Krawiec They Arrive (Jan. 11)
Audio Available Nicholas Montemarano Second Coming (Jan. 7)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray The New Year Makes a Request (Jan. 1)
. . .


Audio Available Sophie Kaiser Rojas Sonnets with Apology for Simile (Dec. 31)
Audio Available Wendy Videlock The Truth Is a Nimble Little Creature (Dec. 24)
Audio Available Lisa Majaj Shroud of Light (Dec. 17)
Audio Available Arthur Russell Gravity Jerusalem (Dec. 10)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano After Reading that Merriam-Webster’s … (Dec. 3)
Audio Available Lexi Pelle The Bats Are Having … (Nov. 26)
Audio Available Francesca Moroney In Today’s Fantasy … (Nov. 19)
Audio Available Devon Balwit War Sonnet with a simile … (Nov. 12)
Audio Available Sneha Madhavan-Reese Boundary Conditions (Nov. 7)
Bob Hicok This Again (Nov. 5)
Audio Available Katherine Berry Maybe Lewiston (Oct. 29)
Audio Available Alexandra Umlas The American Political Sestina (Oct. 24)
Audio Available Susan Dambroff Who (Oct. 22)
Audio Available Alicia Rebecca Myers The Bush (Oct. 15)
Audio Available Jaime Jacques On Wednesdays My Father … (Oct. 8)
Audio Available Alison Davis If the Point Were to Tell it Straight … (Oct. 3)
Audio Available Stephen Abney Night View, Base Camp … (Oct. 1)
Audio Available Lisa Majaj Exile Is No Country (Sept. 24)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Convict Game (Sept. 17)
Audio Available Kelly Grace Thomas Mother, Mother Ocean (Sept. 10)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Supermoon (Sept. 3)
Robin Turner Little Bird (Aug. 27)
Audio Available Bridget Kriner On Aesthetic Injury (Aug. 20)
Audio Available Rebecca Starks Here We Were Happy (Aug. 13)
Audio Available Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Haiku (Aug. 6)
Audio Available T.R. Poulson Teamsters in the Flock … (July 30)
Audio Available Alison Luterman Barbie Manifesto (July 23)
Audio Available Jayanthi Rangan Cluster Bomes Have a Quirk (July 16)
Audio Available Angelica Whitehorne Let’s Kiss (July 9)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Art = Beauty + Shit (July 2)
Audio Available Heidi Seaborn F Is for Fear (June 25)
Audio Available Erin Murphy I-95 Corridor (June 20)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano After the Death of Cormac … (June 18)
Audio Available Francesca Moroney I Kept Buying Bottles of Honey (June 13)
Audio Available Jeremy Marks Smoke Gets in My Eyes (June 11)
Audio Available Thomas Mixon Poison in Every Puff (June 3)
Audio Available Wendy Videlock Lights Turn Off in May (May 28)
Audio Available Amy Miller On Seeing My Home … (May 21)
Audio Available Matt Dhillon Poem with a Penis (May 16)
Audio Available Marc Alan Di Martino Technicolor Coronation Day (May 14)
Audio Available David Kirby The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (May 7)
Audio Available Katie Hartsock Download the App and We’ll Plant a Tree (May 2)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Elegy for a Ringmaster … (Apr. 30)
Audio Available Katy Luxem Rumors (Apr. 23)
Audio Available Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Serious People (Apr. 16)
Audio Available Ryan Boyland Keith Olbermann Calls Angel Reese an Idiot (Apr. 9)
Audio Available Annie Grimes How it Feels When Men Attempt … (Apr. 4)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Self-Portrait as Coriander Seed (Apr. 2)
Audio Available Alison Davis Mystery Light (Mar. 26)
Audio Available Christine Potter Revenge (Mar. 19)
Audio Available Ayelet Amittay Wandering Womb (Mar. 13)
Audio Available Sarah Snider Chris Rock Finally Responds … (Mar. 12)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer After My Step Brother Gets Shot … (Mar. 5)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach One Year Later (Feb. 26)
Audio Available Clare Cross Pigeon Dyed Pink (Feb. 21)
Audio Available Shannan Mann I Ask AI to Write a Poem … (Feb. 19)
Audio Available Thomas Mixon Every Friday (Feb. 14)
Audio Available Michael Mark When 5,000 People Die … (Feb. 12)
Audio Available Alejandro Aguirre Samba da Sua Terra (Feb. 5)
Kenneth Tanemura Lunar New Year (Jan. 29)
Audio Available Chris Kaiser Tenderness (Jan. 22)
Audio Available Angela Janda By Luck Alone He Is Here (Jan. 15)
Audio Available T.R. Poulson Listen to Your Union … (Jan. 8)
Audio Available Alison Davis Christmas Vigil … (Jan. 1)
. . .


Audio Available Samuel A. Betiku How to End a Year (Dec. 31)
Audio Available Bhavika Sicka A Ghazal of Mangoes (Dec. 27)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach The Ukrainian Flag Stares … (Dec. 25)
Audio Available James Davis May Sentimental Hogwash (Dec. 20)
Audio Available A.E. Hines The Night the Lights Went Out (Dec. 18)
Audio Available Dick Westheimer The Nearly New Moon … (Dec. 12)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Small Parts (Dec. 5)
Audio Available Andrew Posner Blank (Dec. 3)
Audio Available Gina Tranisi Lunch Break in America (Nov. 27)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano As the World Population Surpasses … (Nov. 20)
Audio Available Wheeler Light Aaron Carter You Are Dead … (Nov. 13)
Audio Available Danny Mask Election Day (Nov. 8)
Sarah Etlinger Hanukkah Dinosaur (Nov. 6)
Audio Available Joan Kwon Glass Armistice (Oct. 30)
Audio Available Matt Hohner Drone God (Oct. 23)
Audio Available Jake Marmer The End Has Feet … (Oct. 18)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Climate Protesters Throw Soup … (Oct. 16)
Audio Available Jack e Lorts How Can You Lose a Daughter (Oct. 11)
Audio Available George Franklin It’s Yom Kippur … (Oct. 9)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield There Will Soon Be a McDonald’s … (Oct. 4)
Audio Available Katie Kemple Trajectory (Oct. 2)
Audio Available Bruce Bennett On Viewing Ken Burns’ … (Sep. 27)
Audio Available Susan Sue How Many Times (Sep. 25)
Janice D. Soderling War as a Spectator Sport (Sep. 20)
Audio Available Lisa Muloma Lonely (Sep. 18)
Audio Available John Hodgen Quiet Quit (Sep. 13)
Audio Available Rick Lupert The Queen Is Dead (Sep. 11)
Audio Available Kate MacQueen Morningstar (Sep. 4)
Audio Available Alexandra Umlas The Deluxe Edition (Aug. 31)
Audio Available Seth Simons Poem with a Javelin at the End (Aug. 28)
Audio Available Devon Balwit You Are Being Tracked (Aug. 23)
Audio Available Jen Gayda Gupta I Was Looking for a Job … (Aug. 21)
Audio Available Karan Kapoor Salman, Bombay (Aug. 15)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé America Behind Glass (Aug. 8)
Bob Hicok On Sticking Out … (Aug. 7)
Audio Available Deron Eckert What Will Be Left (July 31)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Funny How (July 24)
Audio Available Melissa Balmain Caught in the Webb (July 19)
Audio Available Mara Eve Robbins An Open Letter to Our New Poet … (July 17)
Audio Available John Amen Interdependence Day (July 12)
Audio Available Joshua Eric Williams Silent After (July 10)
Audio Available Mather Schneider The Price of Meat (July 5)
Audio Available Shannan Mann Your Body (July 3)
Audio Available Kaitlyn Spees From the Women’s Restroom (June 26)
Audio Available Morgan Eklund Frank Lloyd Wright Pantoum (June 19)
Audio Available Jeff Hardin At Least Something (June 14)
Audio Available Alison Luterman The Insurrectionists Were Right (June 12)
Audio Available Katie Dozier (KHD) Transitory (June 9)
Audio Available Katie Bickham Lisa (June 7)
Audio Available Alexis Sears Heartbreak Ghazal (June 5)
Audio Available Aaron Poochigian Strawberry Fields (May 31)
Audio Available Rachel Mallalieu I Tell My Son to Cover Himself … (May 29)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Donkey at the Met (May 24)
Audio Available Gordon Taylor The Entertainers (May 22)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon Unplugged (May 17)
Audio Available T.R. Poulson Long Shot (May 15)
Audio Available Tonya Lailey La Belle Époque of Goldfish (May 12)
Audio Available Dmitry Blizniuk Walls Trembling Like Horses (May 10)
Audio Available Jean Prokott Neon Shades of Youth (May 8)
Audio Available Susan Vespoli Twenty Photos from Police Records (May 3)
Audio Available Sarah Etlinger Love Is an Intransitive Verb (May 1)
Audio Available Amy Miller The New Superstitions (Apr. 26)
Audio Available Christine Potter I Want to Love the World (Apr. 24)
Audio Available Julie B. Levine The Poet Visits Me in Spring (Apr. 19)
Audio Available Richard Westheimer The Miracle of Naming (Apr. 17)
Audio Available Matthew King Shevchenko, Shot in the Head (Apr. 12)
Audio Available Samuel A. Betiku A River of Sounds (Apr. 10)
Audio Available Jocko Benoit The Action Star Unscripted (Apr. 5)
Audio Available Shavahn Dorris-Jefferson One of the Good Ones (Apr. 3)
Audio Available Gus Peterson Mathura Man Sets Record … (Mar. 29)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Sandwiches (Mar. 27)
Audio Available Susan Browne You Wonder If You Can Write … (Mar. 22)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield It Vibrates It Is Deadly … (Mar. 20)
Audio Available Al Ortolani Reading William Stafford after … (Mar. 15)
Audio Available Agnieszka Tworek Abel’s Last Words to Cain (Mar. 13)
Audio Available Brian Beatty Winter Can Go Now (Mar. 5)
Audio Available Tatiana Dolgushina When War Makes a Child (Mar. 3)
Audio Available Kim Stafford Five Poems for Ukraine (Mar. 2)
Audio Available David Oates Not Enough to Ski On (Feb. 28)
Audio Available Rimas Uzgiris My Country’s Wounds (Feb. 27)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach Mir in Ukraine (Feb. 26)
Audio Available Tishani Doshi Management Changes Rules … (Feb. 22)
Audio Available Wendy Videlock Thirteen Ways … (Feb. 20)
Audio Available Mark Grinyer Winter Olympic Games (Feb. 19)
Audio Available Jayne Marek The Boy in the Well (Feb. 13)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray The Right to Joy (Feb. 8)
Audio Available Lauren Jensen-Deegan Carrot Ginger (Feb. 6)
Audio Available Sara Sethia Decay (Feb. 1)
Audio Available Jed Myers On a Day of Remembrance (Jan. 30)
Audio Available Roberta Beary When I Read About Janis Ian … (Jan. 25)
Audio Available Bruce Bennett Whose Woods These Were (Jan. 23)
Audio Available Karan Kapoor Circles (Jan. 19)
Audio Available Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Transplant (Jan. 16)
Audio Available Zebulon Huset The Moon Is Covered … (Jan. 11)
Audio Available Avery Gregurich There I Was (Jan. 9)
Audio Available Robert Hunter Jones New Year’s Eve in Vienna (Jan. 4)
Audio Available Zinnia Hansen Frozen America (Jan. 2)
. . .


Audio Available Emily Pickering Breaking Point (Dec. 26)
Audio Available Jean L. Kreiling Time in the Time of Coronavirus (Dec. 21)
Audio Available Candice M. Kelsey Whale Sharks and bell hooks (Dec. 19)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Birds Aren’t Real Abecedarian (Dec. 14)
Audio Available Minerva & Manash A Moment Ago (Dec. 12)
Audio Available Danny Mask Ice Hole (Dec. 9)
Audio Available Kurt Luchs All of My Fathers (Dec. 7)
Audio Available Jack Ridl The Last Day of November (Dec. 5)
Audio Available Susan Smith How Do You Sleep Ben … (Nov. 28)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray How to Be Together (Nov. 23)
Audio Available Tamara Kreutz The Body Collector of Spain (Nov. 21)
Audio Available Madeleine Gallo ABBA Makes Its Comeback … (Nov. 14)
Audio Available Cao Zhi Quatrain of Seven Steps (Nov. 7)
Audio Available Tishani Doshi Jeff Bezos Goes to Space … (Nov. 1)
Audio Available Henry Crawford As We Were Saying Goodnight (Oct. 31)
Audio Available Richard Westheimer Into the Metaverse (Oct. 26)
Sylvi Warshaver-Stein Between Stations (Oct. 24)
Audio Available Marc Alan Di Martino Sestina for the Falling Autumn Light (Oct. 19)
Audio Available Tanner Stening This Covering of Blue (Oct. 17)
Sean Wang Testing (Oct. 10)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Moon’s End (Oct. 3)
Audio Available Selene Frost Midnight in the Covid ICU … (Sep. 28)
Audio Available Susan Doble Kaluza Last Text from Gabby Petito (Sep. 26)
Audio Available Bonnie Proudfoot Sweet Forgiveness (Sep. 19)
Audio Available Christine Potter My Sister’s Birthday Is the Day After 9/11 (Sep. 14)
Amit Majmudar Recurring Nightmares of Returning Soldiers (Sep. 12)
Amit Majmudar The Migration Diary … (Sep. 9)
Audio Available Meredith Mason Wave Man (Sep. 7)
Audio Available Jennifer Reeser A Homeless Traveling Statesman (Sep. 5)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Giant Tortoise Filmed Attacking … (Aug. 31)
Audio Available Kandala Singh Letter from Delhi to Kabul (Aug. 29)
Audio Available Dave Bonta Withdrawal Symptoms (August 24)
Audio Available Meghan Sterling Afghanistan Is Your Fault (Aug. 22)
Audio Available Therese Gleason Yo También (Aug. 15)
Audio Available Rachel Mallalieu Delta (Aug. 8)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Pulsar (Aug. 3)
Audio Available Jenna Lanzaro Incredible Truths (Aug. 1)
Audio Available Lynne Thompson Bootleg Fire (July 27)
Audio Available Brock Guthrie Biz Markie & Me (July 25)
Audio Available Marjorie Lotfi Home (July 20)
Audio Available Angie Minkin Fifty Words (July 18)
Audio Available Jay Brecker Rumsfeld (July 11)
Audio Available Rita Mae Reese How Many? (July 6)
John Glowney Liberty (July 4)
Audio Available Michelle Bitting Cows Escape Slaughterhouse … (June 27)
Audio Available Jennifer Jean Humpback Swallows … (June 22)
Audio Available Celia Sorhaindo Ambergris (June 20)
Audio Available Leah Mueller Lost in Space (June 15)
Audio Available Rosemerry Trommer The Price of Nothing (June 13)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé House Calls (June 6)
Audio Available Richard Westheimer An American Jew Fails to … (June 1)
Marissa Glover Look— (May 30)
Audio Available Michael Mark A Daily Practice (May 25)
Audio Available Clemonce Heard Tracking the Soybean Assassin (May 23)
Audio Available Triin Paja Clearcutting (May 18)
Audio Available Nardine Taleb My Great-Grandmother Carved Her Name … (May 16)
Audio Available Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee The Night of Bone and Paper (May 12)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Motherhood for Beginners (May 9)
Audio Available Uttaran Das Gupta Tonight (May 2)
Audio Available Patty Seyburn Ode to John Hinkles … (Apr. 27)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Watching Lions Spare a Turtle (Apr. 25)
Audio Available Kindra McDonald Poem with an Ear Pressed … (Apr. 18)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon Unrest (Apr. 18)
Audio Available Richard Westheimer I, Like Muons (Apr. 11)
Audio Available Samantha Kolber Genes of 500-Year-Old Sea Monsters (Apr. 8)
Bob Hicok A Braid of Unknowing I Tie Before You (Apr. 4)
Richelle Buccilli When the World Stops (Mar. 28)
Audio Available Patricia Mona Eng My Name [Inaudible.] (Mar. 21)
Audio Available Miguel Barretto Garcia Grandpa’s Mixtape (Mar. 14)
Audio Available Susan Vespoli How to Celebrate Your Daughter’s 33rd … (Mar. 7)
Audio Available Cody Kucker Bhasan Char (Mar. 1)
Audio Available Judith Sornberger On Finding A Coney Island of the Mind… (Feb. 28)
Audio Available Ann DeVilbliss Prayer for Snow (Feb. 23)
Audio Available Clemonce Heard All My Stresses Live in Texas (Feb. 21)
Audio Available Partridge Boswell Aphasia (Feb. 14)
Audio Available Melissa Balmain Spinach Can Send Emails … (Feb. 9)
Audio Available Liya Akoury Navalny (Feb. 7)
Audio Available Joseph Millar January 2021 (Feb 2.)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Botticelli’s Maybe Medici … (Jan. 31)
Audio Available Alora Young Ode to the Camerman (Jan. 26)
Audio Available Clint Margrave Toad Dies and Goes to Heaven (Jan. 24)
Audio Available Wendy Videlock On Ceremony (Jan. 21)
Audio Available Julia B. Levine Instructions for the Day After (Jan. 17)
Audio Available Beth Williams I Knew Better Than to Say (Jan. 10)
Audio Available Martha Greenwald New Year’s Magic 120% … (Jan. 3)
. . .


Audio Available Lana Hechtman Ayers Twenty Twenty (Dec. 31)
Audio Available Catherine Johnson The Great Conjunction (Dec. 27)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray What the Dead Man Taught Me (Dec. 20)
Audio Available Bruce Robinson In Lies Lie Beliefs (Dec. 13)
Audio Available Diane Thiel High Noon at the Remote Corral (Dec. 6)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Maradona in Buenos Aires (Nov. 29)
Audio Available Rebecca Starks Speaking of Disinformation (Nov. 24)
Audio Available Russell Brakefield Relic (Nov. 22)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Heart in a Box (Nov. 15)
Audio Available Marc Alan Di Martino Still (Nov. 10)
Audio Available Heather Altfeld November (Nov. 8)
Denise Duhamel Monkey Mind (Nov. 6)
Audio Available Shirley Hilton The Other Side (Nov. 3)
Audio Available Kashiana Singh Normal Haiku (Nov. 1)
Audio Available Alexis Rhone Fancher Roadkill, San Pedro (Oct. 22)
Hamraaz Raaz I Fall Asleep Reading … (Oct. 25)
Audio Available Michael Martella To Be Read in the American Mood (Oct. 20)
Audio Available Abdulbaseet Yusuff Too Much Wahala … (Oct. 18)
Audio Available Laura Murray A 10th Grade Reading List … (Oct. 13)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Unacknowledged Laureates (Oct. 11)
Audio Available Jill Kandel Fatigue (Oct. 5)
Audio Available Stephen T. Berg Opening Poems from the Candidates … (Sep. 27)
Wendy Videlock Here in the West (Sep. 22)
Audio Available Rosemerry Trommer In the Steps of RBG (Sep. 20)
Audio Available Joan Glass Attending a 12 Step Meeting … (Sep. 13)
Audio Available Robyn Schelenz Who Owns America? (Sep. 8)
Chiamaka Okonkwo … the Passing of Chadwick Boseman (Sep. 6)
Audio Available L. K. Old Flame (Sep. 1)
Bob Hicok To Serve and Protect (Aug. 30)
Maisie Williams Two Doves (Aug. 25)
Audio Available Laurie Macfee Another Year (Aug. 23)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Kamala Harris: U.S. Senator (Aug. 18)
Audio Available Jean Prokott While My Husband is in Foot Surgery … (Aug. 16)
Audio Available Johnson Cheu Small Talk (Aug. 11)
Audio Available Devon Balwit What Is Marriage Like? (Aug. 9)
Audio Available José A. Alcántara Acing the Test: A Sestina (Aug. 2)
Audio Available Shira Moolten Karen (July 26)
Audio Available Elya Braden This Is Not a Protest (July 19)
Audio Available Rodrigo Dela Pena, Jr. Love Poem for a Dictator (July 15)
Audio Available Miguel Barretto Garcia Stamp Collection (July 14)
Audio Available Nicole Caruso Garcia The Year that Sorrow Shook Me … (July 12)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon How to Date During a Pandemic (July 9)
Audio Available Janis Lull Am I Going to Die? (July 7)
Audio Available Jennifer Reeser Scientists Baffled by Vanished Star (July 5)
Audio Available Wendy Mnookin Writing Poems on Zoom … (July 4)
Audio Available L. Ward Abel Miller’s Thumb (July 1)
Audio Available Marka Rifat Philomel, or, Too Much of a Good Thing (June 28)
Audio Available Geoffrey Philp A Fragment of the Quilt (June 27)
Audio Available Rachel Mallalieu June 2020 (June 23)
Audio Available Yvonne Malcolm X Park (June 21)
Audio Available Joshua Rupp When I Grow Up (June 18)
Audio Available Rolli A Wrong Opinion (June 16)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé My Body Is Antifa (June 14)
Audio Available Amit Majmudar Newsquiz (June 9)
David Hernandez Two Landscape Poems (June 7)
Audio Available Prince Bush Middle of Protesting (June 6)
Francis Santana Wildlife Management (June 3)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon Any Light (June 2)
Audio Available Karim Eltawansy Choke (May 31)
Audio Available David Kirby Study Electricity, Etc. (May 30)
Audio Available Tishani Doshi After a Shooting … (May 26)
Audio Available Stephen Gibson A Crown for My Father … (May 24)
Audio Available Gary Leising Five Mannequins and One Person … (May 17)
Audio Available Michael Mark (T)(o)(o) (C) (l) (o) (s) (e) (May 16)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Japanese Aquarium Urges Public … (May 12)
Audio Available Alison Luterman Fog (May 10)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer For Ahmaud Arbery … (May 9)
Audio Available Clara McLean Where in the World is Kim Jong-Un (May 5)
Audio Available Christine Gelineau Kneading Bread While Dying (May 3)
Audio Available José A. Alcántara Si Se Puede (May 2)
Audio Available Jaime R. Wood Quarantine Day 35 (Apr. 28)
Audio Available Richard Prins Things to Try … (Apr. 26)
Audio Available Tishani Doshi Tree of Life (Apr. 19)
Audio Available McKenzie Chinn Ode to the Store Clerk (Apr. 18)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Note to Myself … (Apr. 14)
Audio Available Alexandra Umlas What You’ve Done (Apr. 12)
Audio Available Amit Majmudar Antiviral Cocktail: A Sequence (Apr. 9)
Ted Kooser A Pretty Pass (Apr. 7)
Audio Available Anthony Okpunor Abia is the Only State … (Apr. 5)
Audio Available Robert Wrigley Why Should There Be Stars (Apr. 4)
Bob Hicok Fly (Apr. 2)
Audio Available Luci Huhn Out of an Abundance of Caution (Mar. 29)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Love in the Time of COVID-19 (Mar. 28)
Audio Available Jessica Cohn Spring (Mar. 22)
Audio Available Joseph Fasano St. Vitus’ Dance (Mar. 19)
Audio Available Dorianne Laux Lord of the Flies (Mar. 17)
Audio Available Rosemerry Trommer The Afternoon the W.H.O. … (Mar. 15)
Sherman Alexie A Dispatch from Seattle (Mar. 12)
Audio Available Sarah Dickenson Snyder I Am from the Church … (Mar. 8)
Audio Available Samantha Fain When We Make Love … (Mar. 3)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach After the Poetry Reading … (Mar. 1)
Audio Available Anthony Tao Coronavirus in China (Feb. 23)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton A Hard Lump (Feb. 18)
Audio Available Daryl Jones Quotidian (Feb. 16)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Medals of Freedom … (Feb. 9)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon Kobe (Feb. 2)
Audio Available Devon Balwit A Conversation in which We Seek … (Jan. 28)
Audio Available Mark Wagenaar Elegy (Jan. 26)
Audio Available Al Ortolani The Senate Vows Impartial Justice (Jan. 21)
Audio Available Jen Lambert One Big, Empty Room (Jan. 19)
Audio Available José E. O. Reyes Systemic Functional Linguistics (Jan. 12)
Audio Available Martín Espada Morir Soñando (Jan. 7)
Audio Available Freya Jackson War Film (Jan. 5)
. . .


Audio Available Dawn Macdonald My One Time Agreeing … (Dec. 29)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Joy to the World (Dec. 24)
Audio Available John Hodgen Hearing (Dec. 22)
Audio Available Wendy Cannella Flown (Dec. 17)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach To Combat Antisemitism … (Dec. 15)
Audio Available Gustavo Hernandez Clapboard (Dec. 10)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Advent on South Hill (Dec. 8)
Audio Available Meghan Sterling Man Subdues Terrorist … (Dec. 1)
Audio Available Megan Merchant Letter to My Mother … (Nov. 26)
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Silver-Backed Chevrotain … (Nov. 24)
Audio Available Adrie Kusserow After His Death the Dalai Lama … (Nov. 19)
Audio Available Ori Fienberg Crushes (Nov. 17)
Audio Available F.J. Bergmann Ancient Rhinos Roamed the Yukon (Nov. 12)
Audio Available Umit Singh Dhuga The Three Degrees (Nov. 10)
Audio Available Brendan Walsh Mark Zuckerberg and I (Nov. 3)
Audio Available Steve Henn They Mustache Him Some Questions (Oct. 27)
Audio Available Devon Balwit A Member of the Jury (Oct. 22)
Audio Available Brittney Corrigan Astrosisters (Oct. 20)
Audio Available Alexander McCoy-Reimer Pantoum for the Spiral (Oct. 15)
Audio Available David Kirby Third Time’s a Charm (Oct. 13)
Audio Available Timothy Liu Withdrawal (Oct. 10)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Hellbent (Oct. 6)
Audio Available Rebecca Starks Landscape with Rai Stones (Oct. 3)
Audio Available Rimas Uzgiris Blank Verse for a Blank Earth (Sep. 29)
Audio Available Nicole Caruso Garcia Lockdown Drill (Sep. 22)
Audio Available Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Questions My Husband Doesn’t Ask Himself (Sep. 19)
Audio Available Amy Miller Ash, a Broad-Breasted … (Sep. 17)
Audio Available Jenna Le Gusanoz (Sep. 15)
Audio Available Devon Balwit The Bar-Headed Goose (Sep. 10)
Audio Available James Valvis Chinese Lunar Rover Finds Strange Gel … (Sep. 8)
Audio Available Amy Lerman Living Below Sea Level (Sep. 1)
Audio Available Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee Kashmir, Kashmir (Aug. 27)
Audio Available Ori Fienberg Certain Islands (Aug. 25)
Audio Available Lynn Marie Houston Like America (Aug. 18)
Audio Available Elizabeth Coyle How to Talk about Guns … (Aug. 11)
Audio Available Pauletta Hansel Harlan County, USA (Aug. 6)
Audio Available Johnson Cheu Touring Harvard, 1986 (Aug. 4)
Tom C. Hunley No One Who Knew Will Called … (July 28)
Audio Available Susan Vespoli My Son No Longer Missing (July 23)
Audio Available Lynne Knight Disappearing Borders (July 21)
Audio Available Samantha DeFiltch I Found Myself (July 14)
Audio Available Pauletta Hansel I Confess (July 7)
Audio Available Jed Myers American Border Study … (June 30)
Audio Available Kris Beaver Some of My Best Friends (June 23)
Audio Available Sarah Colona From One Sarah to Another (June 18)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano A Partial Explanation of My Father … (June 16)
Audio Available Riddhi Dastidar But Hinduism Is Not Hindutva (June 9)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Helicopters Over Portland (June 2)
Audio Available Amanda Newell Late Sonogram (May 28)
Audio Available T.R. Poulson They Say We Make Our Horses Run (May 26)
Audio Available Josette Akresh-Gonzales I Am Used to Keeping Secrets … (May 19)
Audio Available Cambra Koczkur Dear Senator (May 16)
Audio Available Amy Miller To Whoever Inherits the Earth (May 14)
Audio Available Meghan Bell Where Do People Go … (May 12)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Free Shipping (May 7)
Audio Available Michael Mark Jews in the Wrong Place … (May 5)
Audio Available Anna Talhami On the Last Day of Passover (May 2)
Audio Available Sharanya Manivannan The Mothers (Apr. 28)
Audio Available Anemone Beaulier The Finish (Apr. 23)
Audio Available Rachel Custer Notre Dame de Paris Catches Fire (Apr. 21)
Audio Available Rebecca Jamieson Portrait of the Black Hole as Alcoholic (Apr. 16)
Audio Available Vincent Toro All the Mexicos (Apr. 7)
Audio Available Kat La Mantia The Curious Case of (Mar. 31)
Audio Available William Taylor Jr. On the Occasion of Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s … (Mar. 24)
Audio Available Christopher Brean Murray W.S. Merwin (Mar. 19)
Audio Available O-Jeremiah Agbaakin The Book of Revelation … (Mar. 17)
Audio Available Hannah Norman Echo (Mar. 12)
Audio Available Marjorie Thomsen Bonnie’s Final Poem to Clyde (Mar. 10)
Audio Available Rhina P. Espaillat Out of Focus (Mar. 5)
Audio Available John Paul Davis Elexxxion (Mar. 3)
Audio Available Alison Luterman In Defense of Those … (Feb. 24)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Late Mammogram (Feb. 17)
Audio Available Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe Monsters (Feb. 12)
Adam Szetela Reintroduction to Poetry (Feb. 10)
Audio Available M.L. Clark Intervention (Feb. 5)
Audio Available Elya Braden Cold Front (Feb. 3)
Audio Available Bailey Cohen American Sonnet in Which the Senate … (Jan. 29)
Audio Available Rob Stephens Upon Further Review (Jan. 27)
Audio Available Sasha Stiles Ten Year Challenge (Jan. 22)
Audio Available Amy Schmidt Abundance (Jan. 20)
Audio Available Sally Ashton Listening to Mars (Jan. 15)
Audio Available Ed Wade Think. Wait. Fast. (Jan. 13)
Audio Available Megan Fernandes Why We Drink (Jan. 6)
Audio Available Aaron Poochigian The Countdown (Jan. 1)
. . .


Rimas Uzgiris The Ancients and Us (Dec. 30)
Audio Available Leatha Kendrick Your Fear (Dec. 23)
Audio Available T.R. Poulson Essays (Dec. 18)
Audio Available Gustavo Barahona-Lopez The Note Knowing Tears (Dec. 16)
Audio Available Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer By the Numbers (Dec. 13)
Audio Available Sarah E.N. Kohrs Like Lichen Lingering (Dec. 9)
Audio Available Elizabeth Coyle InSight (Dec. 2)
Audio Available J.M. Francheteau John Hinckley Can Move Out … (Nov. 27)
Audio Available Molly Fisk Particulate Matter (Nov. 25)
Audio Available Rolli Free Speech Being (Nowabouts) (Nov. 20)
Audio Available A.M. Juster The Queen Ponders Her Laureate Choice (Nov. 18)
Audio Available Caitlin Gildrien These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Nov. 15)
Audio Available James D’Agostino Poem Written in Stolen Polling Place Pen (Nov. 11)
Audio Available Christine Potter On the Election (Nov. 6)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé The Migrant Caravan (Nov. 4)
Audio Available Devon Balwit Jew (Nov. 1)
Audio Available Sam Thilén Just Fighting (Oct. 28)
Audio Available Katharine Harer Brett Kavanaugh Does the Dishes (Oct. 21)
Audio Available Sally O’Brien Ghazal for Kensington (Oct. 16)
Audio Available Chera Hammons The Moon of a Moon Is a Moonmoon (Oct. 14)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray This Is Only a Test (Oct. 7)
Audio Available Danielle DeTiberus An Incomplete List of Last-Minute … (Oct. 2)
Susan Nguyen I Want to Burn the Frat House … (Sep. 30)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano In a James Dickey Poem (Sep. 25)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal Machines (Sep. 23)
Audio Available Matt Dube Kavanaugh Carwash (Sep. 16)
Audio Available Seth Simons Poem for John McCain (Sep. 9)
Audio Available Lauren Johnson For Michael and Louis (Sep. 2)
Audio Available Esther Ra At the Border, Late Summer (Aug. 26)
Audio Available Craig van Rooyen Till She Appeared … (Aug. 19)
Audio Available Ruth Hoberman Chicago Street, Rainy Day (Aug. 12)
Audio Available Amy Miller To the Firefighters Sleeping … (Aug. 7)
Brittany Hause A Cocky Poem (Aug. 5)
Audio Available Craig van Rooyen How to Swim an Elegy (July 31)
William Evans After His Racist Tweet … (July 29)
Audio Available Rosanne Osborne Can the President’s Hair (July 22)
Alida Rol If Men Could (July 17)
Audio Available Melissa Balmain Marooned (July 15)
Audio Available Ruth Bavetta Heat (July 8)
Audio Available Bob Hicok Redundancy Is Only a Problem … (July 3)
Audio Available Linda Dove Fear Is the Day (July 1)
Audio Available Lynne Knight In Memoriam (June 26)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton I’m Sad with You (June 24)
Audio Available Jocko Benoit Someone with a Megaphone (June 19)
Hsien Min Toh DPRK – US (June 17)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Call If You Need Me (June 12)
Audio Available Alexandra Umlas Remembering You, Anthony Bourdain … (June 10)
Audio Available Hannah Norman Nine Surprising Things (June 5)
Audio Available Maddie Godfrey Overwhelmed by Something (June 3)
Audio Available D.A. Gray Shadow of a Flag (May 27)
Audio Available Joan Murray Chiarascuro (May 20)
Audio Available Marjorie Lotfi Gill The Wrong Person to Ask (May 15)
Audio Available Chera Hammons Anything Worth Saving (May 13)
Audio Available Annie Woodford In the Pipeline’s Path (May 8)
Audio Available Matthew Murrey Pig Brain (May 6)
Audio Available Marissa Davis Homeland: (May 1)
Audio Available Jessamine Price Another Meeting in Panmunjom (Apr. 29)
Audio Available Ojo Taiye The Only Foreign Aid … (Apr. 22)
Audio Available Jill M. Talbot I’m Sorry, Moon (Apr. 15)
Audio Available Jhoanna Belfer The Choicest Parts (Apr. 8)
Audio Available Gardner Dorton MEARCSTAPA (Apr. 5)
Margaret Ray The Kids Are Alright (Apr. 1)
Audio Available Stephen Gibson After Mozart’s Le Nozzi di Figaro … (Mar. 27)
Audio Available Craig Kurtz Surveillance (Mar. 25)
Audio Available Jill M. Talbot Questions for Stephen Hawking (Mar. 18)
Audio Available Saumya Kedia In Time (Mar. 15)
Audio Available Sally O’Brien Danger Island (Mar. 11)
Audio Available Megan Falley Why So Many Penises … (Mar. 6)
Audio Available Surendriya Rao I Want to Argue Like Dancing (Mar. 4)
Audio Available Brian Wiora A Political Poem (Feb. 25)
Audio Available Lara Bozabalian The New School (Feb. 22)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Love Poem Composed Under the Trump … (Feb. 18)
Audio Available Sally Ashton Let’s Get Rid of Valentine’s Day … (Feb. 13)
T.R. Poulson Super Bowl Party (Feb. 4)
Audio Available Timothy Liu State of the Union (Feb. 1)
Audio Available Marc Alan Di Martino Worth It (Jan. 28)
Audio Available Noel Quiñones Permission (Jan. 23)
Audio Available Francesca Bell Girlfriend of Las Vegas Gunman … (Jan. 21)
Audio Available Deborah Rasmussen Speaking of Stable Geniuses (Jan. 14)
Bunkong Tuon My Daughter, the Snow Bomb (Jan. 7)
. . .


Audio Available Mai-Lan Pham Rondo for the Night (Dec. 31)
Melissa Balmain Seasons Tweetings (Dec. 25)
Audio Available Brittney Corrigan I’m Trying to Find a Poem About … (Dec. 24)
Audio Available Paul E. Nelson 698. Evidence-Based Poem (Dec. 17)
Audio Available Amy Miller The World Entire (Dec. 12)
Audio Available Mia Kang Graduate Student, Age 27 … (Dec. 10)
Audio Available J. Todd Hawkins Something Less (Dec. 4)
Alexandra Umlas Touring the B-17 Bomber … (Nov. 28)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray What I Didn’t Say at the Table (Nov. 26)
Audio Available Devi S. Laskar Though the Stars Walk Backward (Nov. 19)
Audio Available
Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley
I Can’t Close My Eyes … (Nov. 14)
Audio Available Elizabeth McMunn-Tetango Partial List of Men (Nov. 12)
Audio Available Molly Fisk Violence Fractal (Nov. 5)
Audio Available Jeff Whitney The Blessing (Oct. 31)
Audio Available Aaron Poochigian MMXVII (Oct. 29)
Audio Available Emily Sernaker Now When I Think About Women (Oct. 22)
Audio Available Dion O’Reilly Everything That’s Old (Oct. 15)
Audio Available Rebecca Starks Open Carry (Oct. 8)
Audio Available Katie Bickham The Ferryman (Oct. 5)
Meghan Bechtel Being a Girl in My Father’s House (Oct. 3)
Audio Available Dorianne Laux If It’s the Last Thing I Do (Oct. 1)
Audio Available Barry Peters We Saw Mother! (Sept. 24)
Audio Available Raye Hendrix Elegy for a Spacecraft (Sept. 19)
Audio Available Devon Balwit That Feeling (Sept. 17)
Audio Available Bola Opaleke Home That Would Not Let Us Stay (Sept. 12)
Audio Available Eric Steineger She (Sept. 10)
Audio Available Jennifer Hartenburg Houston Is the Body (Sept. 3)
Audio Available Hakim Bellamy Dick Gregory (Aug. 29)
Audio Available Elizabeth Knapp The Year of the Eclipse (Aug. 27)
Audio Available Jennifer Reeser Forensic Anthropologist … (Aug. 22)
Audio Available Stephen Gibson Killers (Aug. 20)
Audio Available Raquel Vasquez Gilliland I Know All Mothers Say … (Aug. 17)
Audio Available Megan Fernandes Nukemap.com (Aug. 13)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Dear Kim Jong-un (Aug. 8)
Audio Available Jordan Durham After Seeing Princess Diana … (Aug. 6)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal Straight Shooter (Aug. 1)
Audio Available Aaron Brown Old Man Watching Dunkirk (July 30)
Audio Available Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach Every Musician’s Suicide … (July 23)
Audio Available Brittney Corrigan Truck Carrying Live Eels … (July 16)
Audio Available Jennifer Rane Hancock The Last Days of Baseball (July 13)
Audio Available Luisa A. Igloria Another Argument for Trying to Live … (July 9)
Audio Available Megan Merchant A Town Praying for Rain (July 2)
Audio Available Meghann Plunkett In Which I Name My Abuser Publicly (June 27)
Audio Available Olga Dermott-Bond Grenfell (June 25)
Joan Colby Lordy (June 18)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé Republican in Red (June 15)
Audio Available Carter Smith After the Paris Accord (June 11)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton The Untranslatable Word (June 4)
Audio Available José A. Alcántara Violaceae (May 28)
Audio Available Matt Hohner How to Unpack a Bomb Vest (May 25)
Audio Available Steve Henn Suicide Note (May 21)
Audio Available Meg Pokrass America (May 18)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé I Heart James Comey (May 14)
Audio Available Jen Karetnick Nobody Dies Because … (May 9)
Audio Available Ali Sohail Hummingbird (May 7)
Amanda Yskamp Time(s) (Apr. 30)
Audio Available Matty Layne Glasgow What the Mountains Are Silent About (Apr. 23)
Audio Available Robert Keiser The Anti-Protest (Apr. 18)
Audio Available Chaun Ballard How I Survived (Apr. 16)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano National Poetry Month, 2017 (Apr. 13)
Audio Available Ellen Steinbaum Bids for Border Wall … (Apr. 11)
Audio Available Amy Miller What I Would Tell My Daughter … (Apr. 9)
Audio Available Rachel Custer Togetherness in the Age of Terror (Apr. 7)
Audio Available Robert Peake Homesickness (Apr. 2)
Audio Available Alison Luterman What We Did in the Resistance … (Mar. 26)
Audio Available Emily Sernaker Lawrence Ferlinghetti Is Alive! (Mar. 23)
Audio Available Nanci Lee Happy (Mar. 19)
Audio Available Cristi Donoso Best After a Long Journey (Mar. 12)
Audio Available Jed Myers Jewish Cemetery Night (Mar. 7)
Audio Available Mai-Lan Pham Pause (Mar. 5)
Audio Available Dore Kiesselbach Goldilocks Zone (Feb. 26)
Audio Available Amy Elizabeth Robinson Yesterday We Were Asked … (Feb. 21)
Audio Available Ananda Lima When They Come for Us … (Feb. 19)
Sonya Taaffe An Obedience Experiment (Feb. 12)
Audio Available Craig van Rooyen Why the Bobcat Returned (Feb. 5)
Audio Available Jamaica Baldwin Call Me by My Name (Feb. 2)
Audio Available Richard Garcia The Sublime (Jan. 29)
Audio Available Asiya Wadud The Dog God (Jan. 24)
Audio Available Austin Smith We Defy Augury (Jan. 22)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Poem for My Daughter … (Jan. 19)
Audio Available Gus Peterson Nautilus (Jan. 17)
Sarah Bates When a Guy at the Bar Tells Me … (Jan. 15)
Audio Available Vicki L. Wilson Shoveling Snow (Jan. 8)
Audio Available Lynne Knight Year’s Beginning. Year’s Ending. (Jan. 3)
Audio Available Jill M. Talbot Nobody (Jan. 1)
. . .


Audio Available Ann Hart Krampusnacht (Dec. 25)
Audio Available Zeina Hashem Beck The Days Don’t Stop (Dec. 18)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Ghost Ship (Dec. 11)
Audio Available Kate Peterson Open Season (Dec. 4)
Audio Available Timothy Liu Protest Song (Dec. 1)
Audio Available John Paul O’Connor The Fall (Nov. 27)
Audio Available Karthik Purushothaman Breaking News: Oscar Bait (Nov. 20)
Audio Available Katie Bickham Villanelle for America 2016 (Nov. 15)
Audio Available Richard Garcia Canada (Nov. 13)
Audio Available Barbara Crooker Election Ghazal (Nov. 10)
Audio Available Meryl Stratford My Mother Explains Why … (Nov. 8)
Audio Available Laura Esposto Tradition (Nov. 6)
Jess Rizkallah T.S. Eliot in the Time of Trashfire (Oct. 30)
Audio Available Karthik Purushothaman A Recommendation to the Committee (Oct. 23)
Audio Available Rachel Custer How I Am Like Donald Trump (Oct. 18)
Audio Available Ned Balbo Crybully (Oct. 16)
Audio Available Kathleen Lawrence Trump’s Tip (Oct. 9)
Audio Available Samuel Hughes Representation (Oct. 2)
Audio Available Steve Henn Making Sense of This Election (Sep. 27)
Audio Available Hayden Saunier Hard Facts 3 (Do Not Resist) (Sep. 25)
Joe Balaz In Dis Newfangled Oz (Sep. 18)
Vicki Iorio Why I Don’t Write Poems About 9/11 (Sep. 11)
Audio Available Raquel Vasquez Gilliland Life on Earth (Sep. 4)
Audio Available M.K. Foster Volta (Sep. 1)
Audio Available Mark Wagenaar Poem for Max Ritvo, Perhaps (Aug. 28)
Audio Available Susan Comninos How People End (Aug. 23)
Audio Available Megan Merchant Road Closure, Aleppo (Aug. 21)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton Olympia (Aug. 14)
Julian Randall The Search for Frank Ocean … (Aug. 7)
Audio Available Craig van Rooyen Ode to a Nightingale in a Payload (Aug. 2)
Audio Available Meryl Stratford A Brief History of the World (July 31)
Audio Available Sarah Wells Of Thee I Sing (July 24)
Audio Available Scherezade Siobhan The Mirror I Won’t (July 19)
Audio Available Frank Dullaghan Promenade des Anglais (July 17)
Audio Available Nordette N. Adams Digital Anthropologists … (July 12)
Audio Available Nicole Homer The Dead Line (July 10)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal Ghazal on Independence Day (July 5)
Audio Available Patricia O’Neil Who Speaks for the Rock Snot? (July 3)
Audio Available Ryan Dzelzkalns The World’s Smallest Snail … (June 26)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton Alligators (June 21)
Audio Available Leila Chatti While Reading the News … (June 19)
Audio Available Chris Emslie Prayer for Anything but Prayer (June 14)
Audio Available Amy Miller I Am Over Here Sobbing (June 12)
Audio Available Mark Wagenaar Little Song (Altar) (June 7)
Audio Available Akua Lezli Hope Endangered (June 5)
Audio Available Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee No Urdu in Dilli, Mian (May 29)
Audio Available P.C. Vandall At the Circus (May 22)
Audio Available Jana Harris The Healthcare System (May 17)
Audio Available Jay Sizemore Gun of a Bitch (May 15)
Audio Available Ilyse Kusnetz Harbinger (May 10)
Audio Available Brody Parrish Craig Profane Androgen (May 8)
Maisie Williams MTA (May 1)
Audio Available Luisa Muradyan Tannahill Purple Rain (Apr. 24)
Wederic Eubals Jan Böhmermann the Great (Apr. 19)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield From Nigeria to New Zealand (Apr. 17)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal To the Woman Who Ruled … (Apr. 10)
Audio Available E.E. Lampman Letter to a Tardigrade (Apr. 3)
Audio Available Clint Margrave Candidate (Mar. 29)
Audio Available Judith H. Montgomery B-Word (Mar. 27)
Audio Available William Fargason Images of Kurt Cobin’s Shotgun … (Mar. 22)
Audio Available Meera Jhala I Don’t Quite Know … (Mar. 20)
Audio Available Catherine Pond March 9th, Dusk (Mar. 15)
Audio Available David Miller Elegy (Mar. 13)
Audio Available Victoria Kornick On Access (Mar. 8)
Audio Available Kai Carlson-Wee Signs (Mar. 6)
Audio Available Lea Tieger Electorate (Mar. 1)
Audio Available Cortney Lamar Charleston Chillary Clinton Said … (Feb. 28)
Audio Available Elizabeth Weaver Electing Hell (Feb. 21)
Audio Available Peg Duthie Look at That, You Son of a Bitch (Feb. 14)
Audio Available Rebecca Starks Politicians (Feb. 11)
Jonel Abellanosa To the Red Fire Monkey (Feb. 9)
Audio Available Cade Leebron I’m Drinking in Bed (Feb. 7)
Audio Available Aliki Barnstone Late January Thaw, Refugees … (Jan. 31)
Audio Available Rosemerry Trommer After My Friend Phyllis Shows Me … (Jan. 26)
Audio Available Maureen Doallas Elegy: #LeilaAlaoui (Jan. 24)
Audio Available M.L. Clark Whatever It Is It Comes in Waves (Jan. 17)
Audio Available Colin Pope Major Tom Turns into Light (Jan. 12)
Audio Available Pepper Trail This Refuge from Its Inception … (Jan. 10)
Audio Available Chaun Ballard What Would You Say If You Were … (Jan. 3)
. . .


Wendy Videlock A Toast (Dec. 27)
Lorna Davis The Campaign Before Christmas (Dec. 25)
Audio Available Ramandeep Johal Watching the Sunset … (Dec. 20)
Audio Available Lisa DeSiro Trumped-Up (Dec. 13)
Audio Available Deborah P. Kolodji Haiku (Dec. 7)
Audio Available Lynne Knight America Listen Allen Ginsberg … (Dec. 6)
Audio Available Susana H. Case Level 4: Brussels (Nov. 29)
Lisa Martin If You Aren’t Really a Racist … (Nov. 24)
Audio Available Jessica Goodfellow Perpetuation of the Species (Nov. 22)
Audio Available Joanna Lee Moments of Silence (Nov. 15)
Audio Available Akua Lezli Hope Resignation (Nov. 8)
Audio Available Katherine Lo The Headline Reads, Processed Meat … (Nov. 1)
Audio Available Ariana Brown Ossuary (Oct. 25)
Emmalee Hagarman Things That Happen (Oct. 18)
Audio Available Conor Kelly The Gun and the Gown (Oct. 11)
Audio Available Gary Leising Two Variations on a Triolet … (Oct. 4)
Audio Available Kayla Rae Candrilli Daraprim (Sept. 27)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé The English Teacher Who Mistook … (Sept. 20)
Audio Available Sam Cha I Am Michael Derrick Hudson (Sept. 13)
Audio Available Zeina Hashem Beck Ghazal: Back Home (Sept. 6)
Audio Available Dore Kiesselbach Mignon (Aug. 23)
Audio Available Rayon Lennon Sky Beer (Aug. 16)
Audio Available Rhina P. Espaillat Rhymes With Banish (Aug. 9)
Audio Available Amy Elizabeth Robinson What Do You Give (Aug. 2)
Audio Available Tiana Clark Sandy Speaks (July 26)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal Let Me Tell You About … (July 19)
Audio Available Kerrin McCadden In Praise of Jonathan Matthew (July 12)
Audio Available A.M. Juster Hillanelle (July 5)
Audio Available Stevie Edwards After the Vigil … (June 28)
Patrick Ryan Frank Landscape with Questions (June 21)
Audio Available Ace Boggess Escape Envy (June 14)
Audio Available Suzanne Langlois To Caitlyn Jenner (June 7)
Audio Available Abby E. Murray Memorial Day 2015 (May 31)
Audio Available A.J. Bradley Inheritance (May 24)
Audio Available Susan Cohen The Boston Marathon Bombing (May 17)
Audio Available Bayleigh Cardinal Unsigned Mother’s Day Card (May 10)
Audio Available Jennifer Givhan The Polar Bear (May 3)
Will Nixon National Poetry Month (Apr. 25)
Audio Available Meryl Stratford Section B, Page 6 (Apr. 18)
Audio Available Cortney Lamar Charleston Feeling Fucked Up (Apr. 11)
Audio Available Jackleen Holton The Poetry Lesson (Apr. 4)
Audio Available Chera Hammons The Descent of the Germanwings (Mar. 29)
Janice D. Soderling Dolphin Legend of the World Before (Mar. 22)
Damian Caudill How Florida Lost Its Edge (Mar. 15)
Audio Available Marie-Aline Roemer Questions for Lyudmila (Mar. 8)
Audio Available C. Wade Bentley Perfidious Under Fire (Mar. 1)
Audio Available Dante Di Stefano Elegy for Philip Levine (Feb. 22)
Audio Available Leila Chatti The Words Come, They Choke Me (Feb. 15)
Audio Available Beth Gylys Levels of Shit or Thom Tillis … (Feb. 8)
Audio Available Vincent Toro Gratuitous Super Bowl Poem (Feb. 1)
Audio Available Andrew Collard Realism: For an Infant … (Jan. 25)
Audio Available Conor Kelly Words for a Craven Editor (Jan. 18)
Audio Available R.G. Evans Pussy Nation (Jan. 11)
Audio Available Chera Hammons Sparrows (Jan. 4)
. . .


Audio Available Emily Yoon Hello Miss Pretty Bitch (Dec. 28)
Audio Available Russell Colver The Night Before Christmas 2014 … (Dec. 25)
Audio Available Mihir Vatsa In the Winter of 2014 … (Dec. 21)
Audio Available Lynne Knight Dark Prison Ledger (Dec. 14)
Audio Available Marjorie Lotfi Gill The Gun in Its Holster (Dec. 7)
Audio Available Lynne Thompson Sonnet Consisting of One Law (Nov. 30)
Audio Available Rachel J. Bennett Unsent Letter from Philae … (Nov. 23)
Audio Available Lynne Knight On Hearing of Robin Williams’ … (Nov. 16)
Audio Available Kevin Heaton The Electorate (Nov. 9)
Audio Available Sneha Madhavan-Reese Nathan Cirillo (Nov. 2)
Audio Available Cortney Lamar Charleston Miley Cyrus Presides Over … (Oct. 26)
Audio Available Jay Sizemore How to Remove a Hazmat Suit (Oct. 19)
Audio Available Amy Miller For Those Who Would Kill … (Oct. 4)
Audio Available Julie Henson I’m Not Calling It a Chasm (Sept. 28)
Audio Available Christopher Kempf I Shot an Arrow … (Sept. 21)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield The Spokesperson Said … (Sept. 14)
Audio Available Peter E. Murphy Labor Day: Atlantic City (Sept. 7)
Audio Available Lynne Knight The Letter from James Foley (Aug. 31)
Audio Available Mark Smith-Soto Streamers (Aug. 25)
Audio Available Sonia Greenfield Corpse Flower (Aug. 24)
Audio Available Gabrielle Bates Of the Lamp (Aug. 18)
Jason McCall Roll Call for Michael Brown (Aug. 17)
Audio Available Marjorie Lotfi Gill Picture of Girl … (Aug. 10)
Audio Available Elise Liu She Runs from the River (Aug. 3)
Audio Available Zeina Hashem Beck Ya’aburnee (July 27)
Audio Available Megan Collins How I Fathom the Crash (July 20)
Audio Available Elly Bookman On July 8 (July 13)
Audio Available Rebecca Schumejda Black Banana (July 6)
Audio Available Megan Collins After the Memorial (June 29)
Audio Available Kari Gunter-Seymour A Letter to Jani Larson … (June 22)
Albert Haley Presidential Poetry Briefing (June 15)
Audio Available Alejandro Escudé The Other Me (June 8)
Audio Available Tria Wood Instructions (June 1)

January 1, 2001

Open Poetry

Conversation with
Ellen Bass


Rattle #40

Releasing in June, Rattle #40 is our first-ever entirely open issue. With no theme or focus to consider, we simply chose our favorite 42 poems from the tens of thousands that had been submitted to us over the previous six months. One of poetry’s responsibilities is to represent the tenor of the times, and these poems do, covering pop culture and politics, love and lust, truth in beauty, and tragic violence. Jon Sands decodes the Trayvon Martin case, Alison Luterman responds to mass shootings, and Moe Szyslak (of The Simpsons) calls the Listen Lady. In other poems we find canned coats, a lost mermaid, crepe myrtles, and the “ridiculous big” Fried Elvis sandwich. These are poems of horror and humor and heart, with a new story on almost every page.

In the conversations section, Alan Fox discusses poetry and life with the always-vibrant Ellen Bass.


Audio Available = audio available

Open Poetry

Audio Available Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz Things That Happen During Pet-Sitting
Corrina Bain When the Focus Group Calls …
Audio Available Ellen Bass How I Became Miss America
Audio Available Michael Bazzett The Last Expedition
Francesca Bell I Long to Hold the Poetry Editor’s Penis …
Where We Are Most Tender
Audio Available C. Wade Bentley Storytelling
Audio Available Roy Bentley Ringo Starr Answers Questions …
Tom Chandler A Kind of Lincoln
Bill Christophersen Hole
Bruce Cohen Career-Minded
Steven Coughlin Sacred Heart
Audio Available Kwame Dawes Rope
Audio Available Kim Dower Boob Job
Audio Available Kelly Fordon Tell Me When It Starts to Hurt
Alan Fox Two Poems
Chris Green Christmas Canner
Mark Hendrickson Cupcakes
Tom C. Hunley Moe Szyslak
Audio Available Charlotte Innes The Ex
Audio Available Ann Eichler Kolakowski Triolet for Laika, First Dog in Space
Audio Available S.H. Lohmann What It Means to Be Taken
Alison Luterman When I Heard About the Gunman
Audio Available Marie-Elizabeth Mali Mind Too Much
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Virginity
Audio Available Matthew Murrey Box Turtles Fucking
Audio Available Alicia Ostriker Ghazal: Freedom in America
Audio Available Julie Price Pinkerton Why I Opted for the More Expensive …
Audio Available Marge Saiser The Story, Part of It
Jon Sands Decoded
Audio Available Megan Sexton In Favor of Union
Audio Available Eric Paul Shaffer The Word-Swallower
Virginia Smith [The Age We Live In]
Jacob Sunderlin Fried Elvis
William Trowbridge Dead End
Audio Available Twixt Untitled
Wendy Videlock Merchant Culture
Timothy Daniel Welch Bolero
Audio Available Mark Williams Identity Theft
Yim Tan Wong Boy Stirring Puddles With a Stick


Ellen Bass


Doug Brenizer

Open Poetry

Conversation with
Juan Felipe Herrera


Rattle #44

Releasing in June, Rattle #44 is another entirely open issue. We simply chose our favorite 37 poems from the tens of thousands that had been submitted to us over the past year. It’s summer, and poetry has turned up the heat, it seems, with visits to strip clubs and topless swimming pools, and Kenny Tanemura’s brilliant “Ode to Short Shorts.” But it’s not all love and lust: These poems run the gamut of contemporary human experience, from churches to trust falls, suicide to salvation. The issue also features several long poems, including Lucas Crawford’s unforgettable indictment, “Your Fat Daughter Remembers What You Said.”

In the conversations section, Timothy Green discusses poetry and life in a lively conversation with California Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera.

Now Available!


Open Poetry

Audio Available Nic Alea River
Audio Available Jose Angel Araguz Abandoned Church
Andrew Bennett Spring, 1989
Audio Available Jacqueline Berger Ruin Porn
Daniel Bohnhorst The Butter Smells Funny
Kim Bridgford For the Female Suicides
T.L. Burns Fucking the Gap
Marty Cain Rat King
Audio Available David Cavanagh The Ice Man
J.P. Celia Before Riding West
Audio Available Teresa Mei Chuc I Took Nothing
Beth Copeland What I Remember as My Father …
Lucas Crawford Your Fat Daughter Remembers …
Audio Available J. Divina Erickson No Body
Alan Fox The River
Troy Jollimore The Cutting Room
Stephen Kampa Cardiac Concussion with Delay …
Audio Available Sharon Kessler Everything Is Broken
Marianne Kunkel I Guess
Britt Luttrell Topless Swimming Pool
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer On My First Trip to a Strip Club
Audio Available Jeffrey Morgan Translation
Z. Mueller The Difference Between String and Spring
Audio Available Kathleen Diane Nolan Mars and Venus
JoLee G. Passerini Circumspect
Audio Available Robert Peake La Campagna, London, Friday Night
Charlotte Pence Among the Yellows, the Faces Slack
Audio Available Amy Plettner Church Bulletin
Doug Ramspeck Diaspora
Audio Available Sam Sax When Research Public Sex Theatres …
Rebecca Schumejda A Lobster’s Home
Janice D. Soderling The Diminishing Politics of Senator …
Taylor Supplee Clay
Kenny Tanemura Ode to Short Shorts
Audio Available Bruce Taylor Good News Bad News
William Trowbridge Battleground
Audio Available Paul Watsky Trust Fall


Juan Felipe Herrera


Sebastian Lauf

Tribute to Speculative Poetry

Conversations with
Rhina P. Espaillat & Timothy Steele


Rattle #38

So much of contemporary poetry is self-oriented, pseudo-biographical, and set in something like the present reality that it’s easy to forget that poetry doesn’t have to be so grounded—and that the current dominance of psychological realism is far from the historical norm. In fact, the oldest poems we still have—the ancient epics of Gilgamesh, the Mahabarata, the Iliad, and so on—might all be described by an impartial observer as  “speculative.” King Gilgamesh himself may have been a historical figure, but the gods and goddess, the wild man Enkidu, and the monstrous Humbaba are all pure imagination. Think of A Midsummer Night’s Dream or The Faerie Queen.

This is what we mean by “speculative,” a term often attributed to Robert A. Heinlein as a broader alternative to science fiction. Whether poetry or prose, speculative writing always creates a new world. Suzette Haden Elgin, founder of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, defines speculative poetry succinctly as writing “about a reality that is in some way different from the existing reality.” This includes science fiction (whether hard or soft), fantasy, horror, supernatural, superhero, utopian, dystopian, apocalyptic, alternate history, and anything else along those lines that’s yet to be defined.

But why speculate on what might be speculative? As always, we put out a call for submissions, this time for “otherworldly” subjects, and let the community of writers dictate where the boundaries might be. The result is the 50-page feature section—35 poems culled from some 10,000 offerings. A Viking party, broken up by police. A slime mold’s singularity. Alien frat boys. A garden of words that give weeds a whole new meaning. Androids, asteroids, X-Men. In one poem, never-ending stairs appear in a hole outside of town. In another, Rocket J. Squirrel goes (alone) to couples therapy.

Clearly this is a journey somewhere strange, which raises the question: Why embark at all? Isn’t speculative writing just a form of escapist genre fiction—daydreams of another world that help us avoid addressing this one? Quite often that does seem to be the case. Countless submissions constructed vast and bizarre universes with the deftest of verse, but left us wondering, what for? Other poems, though—those that follow, and more—managed the transformative magic that makes real poetry. They say what cannot be said another way; they construct new worlds in response to the confines of this one. They make what’s strange, and leave you feeling changed. And unlike the real world, it’s never a dull ride.

Issue #38 also includes a large selection of open poetry, interviews with formalists Rhina P. Espaillat and Timothy Steele, and the 2012 Rattle Poetry Prize winners. In addition to the $5,000 winner, Heidi Shuler’s “Trials of a Teenage Transvestite’s Single Mother,” subscribers are invited to vote for the first annual $1,000 Readers’ Choice Award from among the finalists.


Audio Available = audio available

Speculative Poetry

Burt Beckmann Howie Night Dróttkvaett
Audio Available Kristin Berkey-Abbott Currencies
Ash Bowen The Astronaut Explains Divorce to Me
Audio Available Rachael Briggs Singularity
Chris Bullard How We Knew Them
Audio Available Jeannine Hall Gailey Elemental
Audio Available Rhonda Ganz Cryogenesis
Audio Available Conrad Geller The Destination
Kim Goldberg Green Thumb
Audio Available Benjamin S. Grossberg The Space Traveler’s Moon
Audio Available Penny Harter Blue Sky
Audio Available Rebecca Hazelton Elise as Android …
John Philip Johnson Stairs Appear in a Hole Outside of Town
Audio Available Deborah P Kolodji Bashō After Cinderella
David Kutz-Marks Seraph
John Laue The Poetic States of America
Michael Lee The Taking of Lead
Ben McClendon In Case of Unrest
Ken Meisel Reminiscences
Dave Nielsen Police Report
Aimee Parkison The Creature
Audio Available Ken Poyner The Robotics Problem
Audio Available Richard Prins The God Zoo
Marilee Richards One Possibility
Howard Rosenberg Unprepared for the Afterlife
Noel Sloboda Self-Portrait as a Raccoon
Audio Available Laurence Snydal Eye in the Sky
Claire Wahmanholm Rooms, Atoms
BJ Ward Wolverine the X-Man Kisses
Audio Available Charles Harper Webb Blackdoog
Audio Available Lesley Wheeler Science Fiction
Corrie Williamson Xanthus, Achilles’ Immortal Warhorse …
Shangrila Willy What to Say When Your Baby Sister …
Audio Available Natalie Young Discussing Earth Insects


Audio Available Ruth Bavetta Elegy for My 1958 Volkswagen
Audio Available Patricia Callan Clerking at the Ideal Laundry
Audio Available Sage Cohen What’s Wrong With
Audio Available Rhina P. Espaillat Familiar Faces
Audio Available Robert Fanning Watching My Daughter…
Audio Available Doris Ferleger Lookists
Audio Available Megan Fernandes The Flight to Sacramento
Alan Fox Together
Audio Available Ted Gilley The People Across the Street
Beth Gylys Second Marriage
Eloise Klein Healy Spitball
Audio Available Edison Jennings Blue Plate Special
Audio Available Glenn Kletke Sledding
Joanne Koong Clockwork Conjectures
Richard Krohn Pancakes
Audio Available Danusha Laméris Arabic
Daniel J. Langton Bosnia
Audio Available Bob Lucky Wouldn’t You Confess?
Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Pasteurization
Audio Available Loretta Obstfeld My Life with Jeff Goldblum …
Christopher Presfield Morning Riff
David Rosenthal Pretty Pair
Anele Rubin A Man on the Subway
Justin Runge History
Audio Available Barbara Schmitz Pretty Sure
Mather Schneider The Mermaid of South Mark Road
Phil Shils Patient Encounter
Audio Available Martha Silano La Gioconda
M. Jeanne Skvarla Some Degree of Shameful Relief
Sarah Pemberton Strong Another Thing That Amazes Me
Audio Available Emma Törzs Watching Fireworks Alone
Audio Available Jessica Young Instructions Included with Telescope

Poetry Prize Winner

Audio Available Heidi Shuler Trials of a Teenage Transvestite’s Single Mother


Audio Available Lytton Bell Jane’s Heartbreak Yard Sale
John Brehm Time Out
Norma Chapman My 1930 Model A Ford
Audio Available Kim Dower “How Was Your Weekend,”
Anna Evans Zeitgeber
Audio Available Catherine Freeling The Robbery
David Hernandez Dear Proofreader
Audio Available Krista Lukas Patio Tomatoes
M For Those Who Never Know …
Kenny Williams The Return


Rhina P. Espaillat
Timothy Steele


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