July 6, 2024

Iris Cai (age 15)


My grandmother kept a suitcase, hard & rounded
like a deep pink shell. I used to finger its rounded
edges & compare them to her deft, valleyed hands.
Wind-chapped skin crinkled like crow’s feet, rounded
around eyes where her smile never reached. She grew
in the dried-out fields by the Yangtze, grains of rounded
rice panicles shriveled into shadows under her eyes &
trellised ribs. Three years, skin stretched over rounded
bone. My grandmother’s mother escaped the country
during the war. Her daughter, still a toddler, rounded
cheeks rubbed with dirt. Tucked in a bush, hidden
from soldiers. She learned to keep fear rounded
behind corners, choked into the packed-earth walls
of a household not her own. No one rubbed rounded
circles on her back once she woke from nightmares.
But when hurt is spread thin, sharp edges rounded
away by time, does memory fade? She has begun
to forget & cannot find words to describe rounded
edges slipping out of reach: the sunlit cream of her
living room walls & smiling family hung in rounded
wooden frames. America blurs into an ocean of ink,
tiding characters she can no longer write. Rounded
above these murky waves, all that she never knew
was family & forgiveness. The days have rounded
into full circles. My first memory is her, yet one day
she will forget the rounded syllables of my name.

from 2024 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Iris Cai: “I like to write poetry because I’m in love with words, people, books, and things. I love English, which is not even my first language. Even now, I’m unacquainted with the feeling of these words on my tongue, but when I am writing poetry, I can create a syntax that is entirely my own. It’s a kind of empowerment: I can put a name to all the complex, confusing feelings I otherwise could never express. What comes out is small and pulsing and jagged with line breaks, but it is an ode to all the people who have made me, all the books that have sustained me, all the words I know and will never know. For me, poetry is the next closest thing to love.”

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July 5, 2024

Anna Lucia Deloia


I spend a lot of time in that part of the internet
where small beings are given the immoderate care
that all small beings deserve
where a fallen fledgling bird is hand-fed from a pipette and
a garter snake tangled in a bit of tape
is tenderly sponged until the adhesive dissolves
where a newborn is loved exuberantly not only by their
grown-ups but by a comically large St. Bernard
whose nose barely fits between the bars of the crib
and who would clearly defend that baby with its life.
In these videos, the music is very sentimental
and the accompanying text is the kind of thing
you might be emailed by a grandmother who
is charmed by happy endings (if you are
lucky enough to have such a grandmother)
so if you’re not into that, feel free to roll your eyes
but also keep reading because
I have a defense prepared.
But first let me tell you about a clip in which a baby river otter
is reunited with its family, which is clearly a gang
you wouldn’t want to mess with
a thing designed to protect its own, to throw fierce looks
and punches if necessary and if I had been the one
filming I would have been scared shitless
because the otters ran to that fuzzy lump like it was the only thing 
that could sustain them
(which yes, biologically speaking is the purpose of offspring
but I mean something more singular)
they scooped it up and held it so close it was absorbed
into the blur of their bodies tumbling
over the beach—which is to say
these videos feel like serious business
and also like testaments to tremendous joy
because think of the way parakeets shimmy with their whole bodies
or for that matter, how happy dogs wag their butts as well as their tails
or for that matter, how happy ducks also wag their tails
(and don’t get enough credit for it)
or for that matter, how babies dance
and how grown-ups dance when they are near babies.
Surely, there is something essential happening here.
I’m sorry, I had intended to make a more coherent argument
before remembering how we are drawn to one another
knocked me off my feet. Let me try again:
I spend a lot of time in that part of the internet
where small beings are shielded from further suffering
where previously neglected dogs are given new homes
with foster families who can’t help
but adopt them in the end
where orphaned baby orangutans are wrapped in the arms of
grieving mommy orangutans, who both needed
someone either bigger or smaller than themselves
to hold. And this is in so many ways not what our world is
or could be—especially because this content is crafted
to be consumable, which means commodifiable
and sometimes falls into the two-faced trap of selling us trauma
in order to sell us redemption (if not toxic positivity)—
or this is the analysis I would make
in order to sound more self-aware
in order to remind you that I am a well-educated adult who reads
in a variety of genres. Except
what I am doing here is inviting you into a more private space
(which is also an actual file of
bookmarked videos on my computer) where, while watching horses
try to stand for the first time,
I feel not like a savvy cultural critic but like
a wet, wobbly foal.
Please don’t tell me
if you like me less for that.
But do feel free to tell me if you don’t like these videos
and I will say: you do you, friend!
because I realize that I keep trying to use words
to conjure the feeling of being speechless
and even more: the feeling that words are insufficient
which is a ridiculous goal (not to mention
incompatible with my anxious stream-of-
consciousness communication style).
But I will also say: I still need you
to see how easily I am derailed by my emotions. I still need you
to know that I have thought a great deal about the profound 
and come to the conclusion that it is
often what happens when we allow ourselves
to be affected by the banal
and unremarkable.
I still need you
to come along to the place where the pit bull is scared and hiding 
under the car
because it has been hurt before
and then to the place where the same pit bull gets belly rubs whenever 
it wants them.
We already know how near these places are to one another
and all their variations: that anguish is an acknowledgment
of how much is worth mourning, that
gratitude is the anticipation of loss
and needing someone—well, good luck
feeling existentially stable.
But in a three-minute video the smallness of that distance is so
evident. We can feel ourselves moving across it and maybe that is all
we mean when we say
we are moved.
Anyway, whether or not you join me
in my corner of the internet, I am glad to have the things
that make me think of those I love
so easily accessible.
If you get a moment, forward one
to your grandmother
for me.

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024


Anna Lucia Deloia: “Most of the best things I know, I learned from elementary schoolers: for example, that enthusiasm is a superpower and that we can approach even the biggest ideas with playfulness. I try to live up to those lessons in my poems. When I’m not writing, I make things for/with kids and families—especially things to help us all take better care of each other.” (web)

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July 4, 2024

Traci Brimhall


The man next to me sings God Bless America even though
he knows the Statue of Liberty is unsafe to enter. He sings

my home, sweet home, and I bless fireworks breaking
over our heads. Bless three islands held apart

by tunneled water. Bless bridges, lights hooking shore to shore.
Bless the ocean that drowns its dreamers. Immigrants

who dreamed of cupboards, with shelves, with jars full
of raspberries. Who dreamed of unhaunted rooms. Who dreamed

their daughters tall and strong. Bless doctors who put
stethoscopes to tired Atlantic hearts. Forgive their initials

of defects: Pg, Pregnancy; S, Senility. Bless those who waited,
who sang to their dozing children in a dozen languages.

Bless satchels filled with photographs and christening gowns.
Bless their minds heavy with hymns, with recipes

for borscht. Forgive Italians detained, Japanese interred,
German-Americans accused of Nazi sympathies, and bless

the language of explosion. Bless sparks that die in the river.
Bless stars that fall like hailstones on the spangled city. Bless

the sun-washed Mother of Exiles who welcomed salt-stung masses.
Forgive us for not restoring Liberty. Forgive us for ornaments

in the gift shop. Forgive us this music. Forgive us our dancing.
Forgive us for reading names of the dead, and for forgetting them.

from Rattle #30, Winter 2008


Traci Brimhall: “I was born in Little Falls, New Mexico, although all I remember is the library, playground and Dairy Queen. Now I live in New York City where there are still plenty of books, parks and ice cream. As a child, my grandmother recited Edward Lear’s ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ every time I stayed with her. I don’t know if I knew I wanted to write poetry then, but I did learn that marriage is an arduous journey filled with talking animals.”

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July 3, 2024

Rohan Buettel


The flame that burns so bright, this too shall pass
However strong the light, this too shall pass
You heap the wood upon the open fire
And set the world alight, this too shall pass
You work so hard, achieve so many dreams
A rocket soars in flight, this too shall pass
The spells you cast bewitch my ears, my eyes
Your beauty blinds my sight, this too shall pass
You overlook my faults, you bring me love
How much does love excite? this too shall pass
You keep me safe from every growing fear
When terror fills the night, this too shall pass
You sow the grapes to make the finest wines
The vines will suffer blight, this too shall pass
Your ventures will all fail, the world is cruel
When nothing helps your plight, this too shall pass
A nasty streak to kick you when you’re down
Endure the wounds of spite, this too shall pass
When love is lost your grief so raw inside
You hold the pain so tight, this too shall pass
The poet thinks his lines encompass life
And ever will delight, this too shall pass

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024


Rohan Buettel: “I like writing ghazals, like sonnets, because they have strict formal requirements. There is a pleasure in meeting the challenge of writing a formal poem complying with the requirements. Then there is the pleasure of writing more contemporary poems dispensing with some of those elements (such as rhyme). As there is no metrical requirement, there is also the pleasure of experimenting with different meters or free verse. I see the ghazal as the equivalent of the sonnet form developed in the Middle East. Some ghazals in English work very well when they incorporate sonnet-like aspects, such as a strict iambic pentameter. I have always felt uncomfortable using my own name in the last stanza, so use a more self-effacing reference.”

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July 2, 2024

Sally Bliumis-Dunn


My mother is eighty-two,
not so steady on her feet;
she falls now and then;
last week, in her driveway;
missed a step she said; she has
more of them now:
moments when she seems
almost absent from herself
and the greedy earth pulls her.
I watch leaves fall
and wonder how
it can be the same word,
a few yellow leaves now,
just outside my window,
caught suddenly in
an updraft, like butterflies
drifting down, before
they land on a flower,
wings opening,
and closing like lungs.

from Rattle #26, Winter 2006


Sally Bliumis-Dunn: “I think I write poems to try and discover what I feel. Try as I might, I’ve never found another vehicle that does as well. I live in Armonk, New York, with my husband John. We share four children, Ben, Angie, Kaitlin and Fiona.” (web)

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July 1, 2024

Jen DeGregorio


What surprises me more than a new
millipede species was discovered this week
in Los Angeles County is that anyone cares
enough about millipedes to look for them. Entomologists
may be the last true heroes. They may be
a species unto themselves, one they have overlooked
in their zeal to turn from the mirror
toward the dirt. The Illacme socal
has four hundred eighty-six legs, a toothy head,
the L.A. Times says, and the greenish translucence
of a glow-in-the-dark toy. It weaves through the soil
as elegantly as an embroiderer’s needle. The reporter
must have labored over these phrases, felt enough
joy in prose to fuel her a few more days
in her reviled profession. A survey this year said half
of Americans think all journalists are liars. To them I offer
Corinne Purtill, who surely spent hours listening
to entomologists so she could tell us something approaching
the true nature of millipedes—not insects
but arthropods, more like lobsters than beetles,
vile-tasting to birds, garbagemen
of the forest, eaters of dead leaves they transform
into food for what grows—and of entomologists
themselves. How one named Paul Marek drove
on Christmas to Whiting Ranch to find specimens
which he gently scooped into plastic vials
with a bit of soil, then tucked into his carry-on
for the trip back to his lab. Attention
is the highest form of love. And I love entomologists
for the attention they pay to the smallest among us, and journalists
for the attention they pay to the ones who pay attention
to the spectrum of beauty and terror, our discoveries
and petty political battles and vicious crimes and acts
of unearned mercy and weddings and burials
in the somehow still teeming earth.

from Rattle #84, Summer 2024


Jen DeGregorio: “I woke up one morning last July and sat down hoping to write a poem. I had just gotten back into a regular poetry-writing practice after a long hiatus and was fearful that my creative well had gone dry. While pre-poem internet surfing, I somehow happened upon the news about the millipede discovery, and this poem poured out of me in about an hour (though I’ve been studying and writing poetry seriously for twenty years, so I’m no savant). The care with which the journalist had written about this millipede species and the entomologists studying it struck me as so touching; I felt overwhelmed by feeling for the journalist and the entomologists, doing what I’ll call God’s work (though I’m not sure what I mean by God). So much is heartbreaking in our world, but reading this story lifted my spirit: The Earth is still full of mystery, and there are good, curious people out there who wish to help us unravel it. Journalists—often maligned—are heroes to me. Entomologists are heroes. Anyone who is committed to nurturing this world—including through study, through the sharing of knowledge—is a hero. But such heroes, these quieter ones, often go unsung. Let poetry sing their praise.” (web)

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June 30, 2024

Alison Luterman


My friend says she wants to shoot
the mockingbirds who infest the big tree
outside her window and sing all night.
The violence of their squawks is not the same
as the violence of our thoughts
about them at 2 a.m. or the gunshots
and illegal fireworks punctuating this warm evening
as we sit in front of our television watching two old men,
one blustering, one faltering
at the lip of the abyss, and an invisible pool
of despair spreads like blood out from the screens
and into our living rooms and pools around our feet
and we lift our feet up but go on watching
as it engulfs us on our sofas, forks poised
halfway to our mouths, frozen there, watching.
And just as the violence of the what the actual fuck
we’ve had some of the smartest women on the planet
in contention for this job, but no, it’s gotta be
two men who cannot seem to form
one coherent sentence between them
spraying from my mouth like machine gun fire
is not the same as the killer in the supermarket
spewing real bullets that ricochet off carts,
or the maniac at the music festival with his bump stock,
or the white supremacist at the Black church,
or the anti-Semite at the synagogue, still, I confess,
there is murder in my heart, there is so much rage
boiling inside my own body, inside the body
of everyone I know—we are all simmering this summer
with a thin metallic taste in our mouths
as if we’d been given old-fashioned shock treatments
which we have, and are now sitting inside
the absolute blankness of the aftermath
with our unanswerable questions
who are we and how did we get here,
and what the hell happens now?

from Poets Respond


Alison Luterman: “I find myself unable to watch either of the two candidates currently vying for the office of the President of the United States of America. I will vote for the Democrat, of course. But I am still not over my disappointment that Elizabeth Warren was bumped out of the 2020 race, or the other qualified women who could be leading our country brilliantly right now were it not for patriarchy.” (web)

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