For the 2025 Rattle Chapbook Prize
1) The $30 entry fee is a one-year subscription to Rattle (or a one-year extension for subscribers) at our regular rate. New subscriptions will start with the next season’s issue. Current subscribers will receive a one-year extension. Due to shipping costs, international entries through Submittable will receive a 3/4 subscription (three mailings) instead of the full year.
2) Three winners, judged by the editors of Rattle in an anonymized review, will receive $5,000 and 500 author copies of their chapbook, which will also be distributed to all of Rattle’s 7,000+ subscribers along with a future issue of the magazine. At least one of the winners will be a poet who has never published a full-length collection of poetry (48 pages or more) prior to 2024.
3) Open to writers, worldwide; poems must be written primarily in English (no translations, except by the author). Individual poems may be previously published in any format, but the manuscript as a whole must be unpublished as a collection. Do not include any poems that have been published in Rattle—if the chapbook includes poems that we have published, they may be added back before publication, but we cannot consider them during the anonymous review of this contest. If you have an open submission at Rattle that includes poems from the chapbook, include a note on that submission letting us know that the poems are also part of a chapbook manuscript. Manuscripts may include images or other artwork. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but we must be notified immediately if the manuscripts are accepted for publication elsewhere.
4) Manuscripts may be 15 – 30 pages of poems (not including front- or back-matter), with any reasonable fonts or font sizes (12 pt, etc.). Don’t worry about the formatting. Do not include any identifying information within the manuscript itself. If any of the poems have been previously published, include an acknowledgments page. A table of contents and page numbering are optional.
5) Multiple entries by a single poet are accepted, however each manuscript must be treated as a separate entry, each with an additional $25 fee. Each additional entry will add an extra year to your subscription. Contest entry fees are non-refundable and cannot be edited after submission, so please be sure to submit only your final versions of the poems.
6) The winners will be announced on April 15th. Unpublished individual poems from the manuscripts may also be offered standard publication in Rattle. Please remember to include an acknowledgments page so that we know which poems have already been published individually.
7) All entries must be submitted electronically through Submittable:
Submit via Submittable
Click this link to our Submittable contest page and purchase your subscription and upload your file through that system. Be sure to upload the entire manuscript as one single file, after removing all identifying information. Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, rtf, odt, pdf.
11:59pm EST
January 15th