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      2008 Rattle Poetry Prize Winner

      Joseph Fasano
      Goshen, NY
      Mahler in New York

      The early Imagist poet T.E. Hulme argued that real communication is made only by means of images, which exist prior to language, and form a “visual chord” between two minds that can only be approximated with speech. Images, then, are the essence of intuition, and the wellspring of epiphany. In his poem “Mahler in New York,” 2008 Rattle Poetry Prize winner Joseph Fasano unfolds a tapestry of images: the falcon, the wind, the black violin. Alone, these images are haunting and timeless. Gathered together they convey a figurative truth that, like all great art, resists explication—a truth about the death of childhood, and the relentless sweep of generations. Hulme would have been proud, as we are, to introduce “Mahler in New York” as winner of the third annual Rattle Poetry Prize.

      Honorable Mentions


       Phyllis Aboaf
      San Francisco, CA
      The Neighbor’s Tale

      Meghan Adler
      San Francisco, CA
      After Six

      John Brehm
      Boulder, CO
      Dear IRS

      Ted Gilley
      North Bennington, VT
      The Tulip Tree

      Douglas Goetsch
      New York, NY
      Nameless Boy

      Rebecca Lehmann
      Tallahassee, FL
      Watching the Wizard of Oz

       Hilary Melton
      Richmond, VT
      My People

       Robert Peake
      Ojai, CA
      Road Sign, Interstate 5

       Deborah Tobola
      Santa Maria, CA

       Amie Whittemore
      Herrin, IL
      The Calendar