Workshop Program
Free Copies for Free Classes
Our goal at Rattle has always been to expand the reach of contemporary poetry into broader communities beyond the usual literary circles. Poetry is life-enriching in so many ways; it belongs to everyone. That’s why we’ve dedicated issues to poets in prison, to police officers, nurses, scientists, and others; that’s why we publish an annual young poets anthology for children. We want to reach out to those who poetry doesn’t normally reach.
To further that goal, we set aside a few hundred copies of everything we print to give as free class sets to teachers, workshop leaders, and reading groups who are spreading poetry to underserved communities. We’re also happy to provide a way for teachers to collectively submit work on behalf of their students, to help those who don’t have easy access to the submission process. Not everyone has an internet connection or a stable mailing address; stamps and paper can be expensive. But everyone should have an equal chance to share their words.
The only firm rule is that the workshop must be offered free to participants. Teachers may either keep the copies for future workshops, or let the participants keep them, but, in order to qualify for this program, the participants cannot be asked to pay in any way. (Teachers may be paid by external sources.)
If you’re a poetry teacher, workshop leader, or reading group member interested in this program, just email Timothy Green with the following information:
- Mailing address where the copies should be shipped
- Number of copies requested
- Any requests for specific issues (including the RYPA, any chapbooks, or the conversations anthology)
- Timing information (when will the workshop be, will there be more sessions in the future, etc.)—expect at least two weeks for delivery
- A description of the community that your workshop or group is serving, including confirmation that it’s being offered free to participants
Supplies are limited. Copies will be given to those who qualify on a modified first-come-first-served basis, with adjustments for timing and level of need. Due to the price of international postage, we can only send free copies to U.S. mailing addresses.