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      October 2, 2021Adrianna HoPasta Sandwiches in Quarantine

      In quarantine
      I missed my uncle’s wedding
      because it was cancelled in May,
      and Take Your Child to Work Day:
      I was going to meet my mom’s coworkers and friends
      and join her meetings.
      I missed Field Day with games, and May Day with
      carnival games. Mr. C., my gym teacher, had planned it,
      and you could get half a lemon with a candy straw!
      I miss going to school.
      I miss having sleepovers: one in the beginning of summer
      and one at the end.
      Some of my friends couldn’t come
      to my birthday party. The magician
      couldn’t come.
      Before quarantine, I had plans
      with my good friend who moved to Boston
      to get together and sell all the leftover candies
      and save every penny.
      In quarantine
      I turned 8
      and learned to ride a bike.
      I learned that daddy makes yummy sandwiches
      and mommy makes good pasta.
      Pasta sandwiches for lunch!
      I still can see
      my ballet friends
      and classmates right online.
      I still pick flowers on nature walks
      and walk on the rocks
      to get over the streams.
      In quarantine, I grew half an inch.
      I learned how to feed my dog Rusty
      and take him outside.
      I learned how to type without looking at the keyboard
      and how to make
      peanut butter sandwiches when daddy is busy, and
      that our school nurse is a good yoga instructor
      and our second grade teacher reminds me
      that if I believe I can, I can.
      I learned that I don’t have to go out to the theater
      because I can watch movies at my house
      cuddling, eating snacks, and petting Rusty.
      I learned I can relax anytime and anywhere,
      I close my eyes, I take deep breaths
      A couple of minutes later I open my eyes
      and put my hands on my heart, and namaste.
      I learned to read chapter books: Harry Potter,
      The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, oh! And don’t forget
      Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
      I learned to organize my closet, to keep it clean.
      I grew to wear my big sister’s clothes while in quarantine.
      I learned that the crown-shaped virus is the Coronavirus.
      If I could talk to the Coronavirus,
      I’d say, “The Heat Is On! I Know
      The Heat Can Stop You From Spreading.”

      from 2021 RYPA

      Adrianna Ho (age 8)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “I like writing poetry because I can write about anything I like, and also there are many types of poetry. You can be silly when you are writing poetry and you can make it rhyme too! Poetry is the best.”