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      December 20, 2018PlaceboJill M. Talbot

      Image: “Eat Me” by Nicolette Daskalakis. “Placebo” was written by Jill M. Talbot for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, November 2018, and selected as the Artist’s Choice.
      Coffee for headache, grapefruit for heartache,
      blue for the weather and red for forgiveness;
      hopelessness–may I suggest a bubblegum flavor?
      Not all nutrtional lists cover psychic benefit.
      Jung prescribed lemon for neurosis;
      psychosis requires a dash of red pepper.
      Plug your nose and wear swimming goggles,
      be sure to pose and photograph—
      share on instagram. As for existential despair:
      some things still need to be left to cats.
      Thanks for shopping with McFuture.
      May we suggest you use your plastic bag
      as a face mask?

      from Ekphrastic Challenge

      Comment from the artist, Nicolette Daskalakis

      “It was difficult to choose just one poem, but ultimately ‘Placebo’ stood out to me because it captured the tone, humour, and critique of commercial culture I had in mind while shooting ‘Eat Me.’ I love that the poet addresses the commodification of ‘cures’ and looks at how our society’s never-ending search for a silver bullet to its ailments has only been amplified by the social media age.”