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      November 2, 2018Poem for a Blue PageNatasha Rao

      Tonight I am remembering
      the Krishna-skin
      skies of summer
      & the way your laugh
      made a jacaranda tree bloom.
      We slept in sheets the color of sea glass &
      I woke with the taste of salt
      in my mouth.
      Happiness is devastating
      in the past tense.
      I lay these memories, like a fish,
      on the cutting board.
      Slice them open &
      the deepest blue
      spills onto this poem.

      from #61 - Fall 2018

      Natasha Rao

      “I often find myself fixated on the ephemeral quality of both the human sphere and the natural world. As such, many of my poems deal with the passage of time and the inevitability of endings. I love the way poetry allows me to revisit moments from the past, colorize what is sepia-tinted, and imbue even the most ordinary memory with a kind of magic.”