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      January 23, 2014Poem for Neil PostmanErik Campbell

      it’s happened Neil, this
      poem is proof that
      you are indeed a prophet
      I saw the verdict
      last night on television
      it was 101 degrees last night
      and on channel 26
      all the cattle in the world
      were dying
      and suddenly there was
      Alex Trebek on an infomercial,
      pimp-like and slick
      trying to sell me (can you
      believe it?) the classics
      a different classic on a
      different tape, each classic
      just under 45 minutes
      “if you’re like me”
      Trebek said
      “you can’t seem to find
      the time to sit down
      and read a classic like
      The Iliad
      but with this special offer
      you’ll be able to sit back
      and relax as one of the classics
      is read to you
      by such famous personalities as
      Tom Arnold (Hamlet)
      Leonardo DiCaprio (The Idiot)
      Joan Rivers (Notes from the Underground)
      Elizabeth Taylor (The Cantos)
      Charlton Heston (The Antichrist)
      Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (The Importance
      of Being Earnest) just to name a few
      each classic neatly and coherently
      so as to run just under an hour
      enrich your life with a
      a long deserved foundation
      in The Classic Literary Tradition
      for the low
      low price of $29.99 a month
      for 23 months!”
      “come now” I think I hear
      him say “you can afford it!
      Faust paid less!”
      and then Trebek went on
      to expound upon
      the virtues of a classic education
      and how it makes him
      a ready wit in
      dinner conversation
      I threw the ashtray
      through the television screen
      and drafted a formal surrender
      to the cosmos
      in rhyming blank verse and
      walking to the post office
      I thought to myself
      it’s all this heat
      it makes the shit smell worse
      and after I mail this surrender
      I think I’ll go home and burn
      all of my books
      so there won’t be any evidence
      any proof when they come for me
      except for
      of course
      this poem
      which I would pay
      at least $29.99
      to have read to me
      abridged or un-
      over and over
      by Kato Kaelin.

      from #20 - Winter 2003

      Erik Campbell

      “One afternoon in the summer of 1994 I was driving to work and I heard Garrison Keillor read Stephen Dunn’s poem ‘Tenderness’ on The Writer’s Almanac. After he finished the poem I pulled my car over and sat for some time. I had to. That is why I write poems. I want to make somebody else late for work.”