November 11, 2018Poem Written in Stolen Polling Place Pen
Ever watch a sunset against a headstone
what kind civil war what kind well I’ll tell
but how many words between orange
and red had I better come up with? That
one’s second-degree jelly bean. That ain’t
fireflies it’s headlights I’ve got my back to
on the headstone I face. Hey, down here
if you got a belly button you got half
a chance but the sherbet sure burns hotter
the shallower it gets. Told you you’d need
more reds before bed. Col. Andrew Porter,
I should probably apologize for my tail
bone ass cheek imprint I left in your soft
dirt there. Beware. Though I could see
why you like the place. All that sky all day.
The heavens you called it. Comes down
to a little bit of blood at the end.
from Poets Respond