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      January 5, 2021Poet and AudienceErik Campbell

      I. The Argument: You Wondered Why You Weren’t Published
      It’s because the postman has opened
      All your submissions and kept them
      Tucked your words, as it were, under
      His proverbial, federal wing.
      And just so you know,
      Your love poems work.
      He reads them to his wife in bed
      Before what has recently become
      Most lyrical sex; he even adds
      A few verbs here and there
      For the sake of flow.
      II. The Consolation
      But you’ll be pleased to know
      He generally leaves your
      Enjambment alone
      And understands the way irony
      Goes; a fulcrum for your failure
      And his formally elegiac evenings
      Which he now has the diction
      And courage to call epiphanic.
      His only regret
      Is that you aren’t
      More prolific.

      from #22 - Winter 2004

      Erik Campbell

      “One afternoon in the summer of 1994 I was driving to work and I heard Garrison Keillor read Stephen Dunn’s poem ‘Tenderness’ on The Writer’s Almanac. After he finished the poem I pulled my car over and sat for some time. I had to. That is why I write poems. I want to make somebody else late for work.”